Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on changing roles of women in japan Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Moreover, the Taisho era in the year 1912 perpetuated Japan’s journey to the corresponding modernity by embracing more Western cultures. The gender building of the women within Japanese society altered from the Tokugawa epoch to the corresponding World War I. Within the epochs of Tokugawa and Meiji, women were mainly assigned family responsibilities and duties and possessed restricted rights. Nevertheless, during the era of Taisho and subsequent to World War I, women commenced to foster for equality thereby rebuffing the underlying traditional gender ideologies. Numerous women did not subscribe to the traditional gender responsibilities by either becoming geishas or prostitutes. This resulted to numerous debates amongst both the female and corresponding male activists in regard to the issues of women’s responsibilities that were seen as means of eliminating prostitutions (Yu, 89-125). The role of women within Japan is extremely diverse as compared to the responsibility of the modern day women within the western civilization. Nevertheless, this the same to the responsibility women undertake within the American forty years ago. Presently women within Japan are required to devote their underlying energies in bringing up their offspring whilst men dedicate themselves to careers (Farris, 122-245). Nevertheless, there is an escalation within Japanese women in regard to expressing interest in the full time careers. Majority of the women are young and single without offspring. Moreover, they are extremely educated (Mo?hwald, 23-79). Literature review Since 1940’s women in japan have pursued to modify the old-fashioned responsibility of a working woman who turn into a mother and a housewife after marriage.