Need help with my writing homework on Crash Drama Film. Write a 1500 word paper answering; There were several character stories that interlaced during the few days that he spent in Los Angeles. These characters comprise a colored detective who separated from his mother, his gang associate, and a young brother who happens to be a criminal. Another Crash character was the district attorney and his aggravated spoilt wife. There was also a white police officer who appeared very discriminative among others. The crash is very different from other films that are racially biased on its unbiased approach to the issues regarding race. Instead of splitting characters into criminals and victims, race targets are often exposed to prejudice themselves in different states and contexts. Additionally, racist actions and remarks are shown to have developed from misconception and ignorance rather than a vindictive personality.&nbsp.Racism is prevalent in every fragment of America. In Los Angeles, it is extensive. Crash attempts to explore the stereotypes and different racial attitudes of Los Angeles people. Despite the fact that this plan is primarily based on Paul Haggis, as he undertakes that racism is in all cities since he experienced racism more in Los Angeles, it does not change the reality that racism is prevalent in almost every State in America.In this movie, racial responsiveness has been significantly promoted. However, just like any other race conversation, it requires considerable close scrutiny. The film is dissimilar in that upon watching any other film, one gets stuck on the intensity of the usage of resources. The realism in the movies is very difficult to describe. Although not in a descriptive way, the crash film displays a reality.The crash has an Altmanesque, Mosaic narrative. In other words, the movie is fitting to describe characters, and their respective actions as the movie defined them in that manner. For illustration, Matt Dillon is perceived as a racist cop.