Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Number Our Days by Barbara Myerhoff. I felt a deep respect for these elderly that were not just able to survive their few remaining years in the world but they were able to do it with respect and contentment.I found the first chapter of the book very fascinating and very relatable to a certain extent. I felt a sense of pride for Basha and was able to relate her with so many people I know. She was quite like many American elderly women that I know of but then she was totally different.I believe that you agree with me when I say that if we met Basha on the streets before reading the novel, we would only have seen an elderly woman with arthritis trying to get on with her life. We would not have given a second glance to this woman, at least I would not have. However, now when I see an elderly person passing by the street or getting on the bus, I wonder what their life is like. how are they surviving?In this manner, this book sensitized me to the elderly people and not just the Jewish elderly people. I go out and help the elderly when I see them having difficulty in their work. But I try that they do not feel embarrassed by this help. I think four this reason, every young individual should read this book.As future anthropologists, this book is especially important for us. It teaches us to look beyond the exterior of the people. This book allowed me to understand that we should not categorize people into stereotypes. Rather every person has a story to tell which is unique and touching in its own sense. If we open ourselves to the people around us, we would learn something new each day.I especially appreciated the way that Mynerhoff has written this book. At one time, she is engrossed in the people, their sufferings and their joys and the next moment, she detaches away from them and sees everything from the eyes of an anthropologist. I believe this is imperative for an anthropologist to connect with the people they are studying and yet distance himself.