Compose a 2000 words assignment on the shift in values from renaissance to modern age. Needs to be plagiarism free! Perhaps, it is of uttermost importance to start the text by defining the most crucial terminologies involved. Most historians would describe the Renaissance as a cultural rebirth that commenced in Florence, Italy, before dispersal to the other parts of Europe from approximately 1300 to 1600. During this time, “Europeans underwent a transformed interest in Roman and classical Greek civilization, and consequently, in learning mathematics, science, philosophy, science, and the arts” (Adams, 2005, p. 87). Christianity took a center stage during the renaissance and its influence can be felt in the dawn of modern science. Men during the renaissance were expected to be outstandingly well-rounded and learned in various subjects. The Renaissance brought about the end of the Middle Ages and embraced for the first time the ideals of the modern world. For this reason, it is seen as a changeover era between the middle ages and modern times.As Adams (2005) asserts, “no single ideology or philosophy dictated the intellectual life of the Renaissance period” (p. 143). Humanists during the early days had stressed a supple approach to the issues of society and the fast life in service of all human beings. Renaissance philosophers, during the second part of the 15th century including Marsilio FICINO in Florence, embraced metaphysical speculation. Nonetheless, Plato never replaced Aristotle as the leading philosopher in many universities. However, there was an effort aimed towards philosophical syncretism, to combine conflicting theories and philosophies, and establish common ground for accord with regards to the truth just like Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola. Renaissance science comprised largely of the study of physics, medicine, and mathematics, depending on old masters, such as Aristotle, Euclid, and Galen. Experimental science in alchemy and anatomy led to the invention within and outside.