Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Why the Allied Powers Would Not Win WWII without the US. In June 1941, the axis that comprised Germany and Italy began an invasion of the Soviet Union and were joined by Japan, which played a key role in attacking the United States as well as Europe.The Axis forces comprising Germany and Italy made forays into the whole of Europe while the Japanese who were out to conquer the Pacific region were defeated at Midway in Hawaii United States and the Germans at Stalingrad in the Soviet Union. Later, the Germans were defeated in the Eastern Front in the European Theatre, while the Italians were invaded and defeated by the allied powers forcing their surrender. In 1944, the Western Allies made a foray in France thus conquering it while the Soviet Union regained the territories it had lost during the war when it invaded Germany. The Japanese also lost mainly to the United States as their navy was heavily destroyed leading to the loss of their influence over Burma, South Central China and major parts of mainland Asia.The war that was taking place in Europe came to an end when Germany was invaded by the allied powers and the Soviet Union, and the capture of the German city of Berlin by Polish and Soviet troops. This forced Germany to surrender unconditionally on 8 May 1945 as it was subdued by the combined effort of the allied powers and the Soviets to defeat it. On 26 July 1945, the Potsdam Declaration was made allowing the United States to drop atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that occurred on 6 August and 9 August respectively (Gordin 9). During the Operation Downfall, the United States invaded the Japanese islands while at the same time the Soviet Union declared war on Japan by invading Manchuria, which they eventually conquered. This forced Japan to surrender on 15 August 1945, which marked the end of the Second World War and confirming the victory of the allied powers helped by the United States.