Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on art and pornography. Essentially, it was a nightmare working for and being part of Hitler’s society.Politically, the cartoon was significant because it served the purpose of educating Americans about their enemies. At that time, the cartoon was aimed at more audiences than children. The political message in Donald Duck in Nazi Land painted the enemy in a ridiculous way. For the Americans who were at home, the cartoon delivered the grim picture of dictatorship in Nazi land, especially when Donald Duck had to keep saluting every time Hitler’s Portrait appeared on the conveyer belt. Essentially it implies that it is great to be an American especially when Donald Duck wakes up from the nightmare and is glad not to be a Nazi.Artistically, the short is a satirical work that showed art can successfully be used to deliver serious messages while cleverly making fun of fascism. Here, art is used to show how badly fascism treated Nazi soldiers. It can also be seen that the shifts Donald Duck work “48 hours every day” is just an artistic but very effective way of communicating the oppressive situation in Nazi Germany.The aspect of selfhood that Cindy Sherman and Nikki Lee were examining in their work was identity. It is possible to know this because Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills conveys the message that gender is a constructed and unstable position, suggesting the lack of an inborn or natural biological female identity. Essentially, she communicates the stereotypical roles the society gave women. Nikki Lee’s Projects examines how people are made up of numerous distinct identities (MCP, 2015). She also looks at how one is perceived by other changes when they surround themselves with people who share their identities and personal traits.The main similarity between the two bodies of work is the subject matter. Both were examining identity from social and cultural perspectives.