Need an research paper on tourism by florian von donnersmarck. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. The initial budget for this film stood at 100, million dollars, however, it went on to cost approximately 278 million dollars, before its release. This paper is an analysis of the movie Tourism. It explains the various thematic connotations of the movie, and this is in regard to tourism. The movie Tourism is one of the best movies that depict the challenges the factors that can promote tourism within a state or region.In this movie, Angelina Jolie acts as Elise Clifton Ward, and she is being followed and monitored by the French police. This police force is working together with the Scotland Yard department, under the supervision and direction of Inspector John Acheson. Acheson has the responsibility of hunting Alexander Pearce, a tax fraudster, who managed to evade over 744 million pounds, in taxes, and he has altered his face, through plastic surgery. Alexander Pearce is aware of the plot, to use Elise Clifton to nail him, and he thus instructs her to pick any man in a train, who resembles him, so that they may mislead the police2. This is in a secret letter written to Elise, who later burns it. In the train, Elise Clifton manages to select Frank Tupelo, who is an American tourist. Tupelo is a mathematics teacher, who teaches in a community college, situated in Wisconsin. Elise Clifton manages to start a romance with Tupelo, just in a bid to fool the police that he is Alexander Pearce.Meanwhile, the police manage to get the ashes and retrieve the information written in it. On the other hand, a police informer, who is not aware of the ruse, manages to inform Reginald Shaw on the location of Pearce, upon sitting Elisa, with a man in Venice. The man under consideration is John Acheson.&nbsp.