Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on the main factors influencing help seeking behavior of young people aged 12-15 years suffering from mental health issues in australia Paper must be at least 10000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! search aim is to determine the issues for young people with a mental problem in help-seeking behavior in the Australia and the research question is what the issues are for young people (12-25 years) with a mental health problem in help-seeking behavior in the Australia? Methods: This study employed systematic review principle and methods but as it was a systematic appraisal therefore it presents smaller study with one researcher. Search terms were developed and included “mental health problems in young people”, “mental problems in Australians” and “helps available for youth with mental disorders in Australia” and a number of data bases searched including NORA, Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Bio Med Central, Science Direct, Medline Pro Quest, CINAHL, Ebsco-host and other relevant internet websites sources. Initially 6110 number of hits was contained which were reduced by inclusion and exclusion criteria and quality assessment process to a final 6 included studies. Data was extracted and presented in table for all 6 studies. Emerging themes and findings were identified (Counsell, 1997). Findings: the students consider the help-seeking attitude to be positive and their opinion get much influenced by the activities of their friends. Also the environment of the school, the attitude of the parents and the social set-up creates much influence on their help-seeking decisions. They get highly motivated if the person offering the help seems to be friendly and understanding and thus with such mediators they comfortably share their feelings and thoughts.