Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Scope of Aristotle’s Work and His Influence. It needs to be at least 1750 words. Barnes is of the view that he was not only a genius beyond all measure but a considerate soul, fervently devoted to his friends and passionately interested in the enhancement of human knowledge in all its forms (8). Consequently, all remarkable universities, research and knowledge centers, and libraries of Asian, European and African countries keep the intellectual works of this brilliant personality as the most influential ancient treaties in order to take advantage of the outstanding wisdom and exceptional foresight attributed to this distinguished philosopher.Although there are no exact records of the births and deaths of ancient personalities, yet Aristotle’s notes transferred to his sculpture demonstrate that he was born in 384 B.C. in Stagira, a little city of Chalcidice peninsula. Keltz is of the opinion that the record and description about Aristotle’s birth year are sought from the Roman copy of an original Greek sculpture made by the famous court sculptor of the era called Lysippos (c. 330 BC). Consequently, he is rightly viewed as the contemporary of Demosthenes (13). Aristotle’s biographical records also declare Aristotle as the member of an educated and respected Macedonia family, as his father Nicomachus had been serving as the personal physician of the Macedonian King Amyntas, the grandfather of distinguished world-conqueror and king Alexander the Great, which manifestly reveals that Aristotle’s ancestors were highly qualified and reputable citizens of their times, though no one could reach the height of fame and popularity Aristotle has been blessed with both intellectually and financially.Aristotle received his early education under the supervision of his illustrious mentor Plato, as he was sent to Athens to seek knowledge and wisdom at Plato’s Academy by 367 BC.&nbsp.