Write 8 pages with APA style on Genetics and Reproduction. The produced sperms in the seminiferous tubules are stored temporarily in the epididymis where they are as well concentrated. The sperm from the epididymis is transported to urethra via the vas deferens. Along with the transit from the epididymis to the urethra, sperms receive secretions from the prostate gland and the secretory duct. During ejaculation, sperm flows out through the urethra (McLafferty, Johnstone, Hendry, & Farley, 2014 p.39).The female reproduction system is constituted of ovaries, oviducts, womb, cervix, and vagina. The ovary is the production site of the female eggs through the process of ovulation. Ovulation is a monthly process that recurs throughout the reproductive age of females. Ovaries produce luteinizing hormone after conception. The fallopian tube is a fairly long tube that provides fertilization site between the mature female eggs and the sperm. In certain instances, implantation occurs in the fallopian tube resulting in an ectopic pregnancy (McLafferty et al. 2014, p. 40).The uterus is the structure that provides the implantation site for the fertilized eggs after fertilization. Both the myometrium and the endometrium uterine walls have a dense blood supply that enables for the adequate supply of nutrients and the oxygen to the developing neonate. The cervix receives the sperm into the uterus. It’s a common site for cancer infection. The vagina is the sperm receptive structure during coitus and while the vulva holds the sperm.The menstrual cycle refers to changes taking place in the female body before, during, and after ovulation takes place. The menstrual cycle takes an estimate of 28 days and the first day of the cycle is the day that the menstrual flow takes place. The end of the cycle is the day before the next menstrual flow. The menstrual cycle consists of three distinct phases. The phases are marked&nbsp.by days in the 28-day menstrual cycle (McLafferty et al., 2014 p. 42).