Weekly Discussion: One of the analytics concepts that we did not discussed thoroughly in materials or lecture is that of usability o user friendliness. May be the best analytics suite is the one that makes my life easier than the rest. Here is one company with that sales pitch. A well known digital marketing platform: hubspot. Featured  here is from that website is  one of its main products an advertising analytics solution:https://www.hubspot.com/products/marketing/ads Spend some time navigating this section of the site and watch the 2 minute video to understand what they offer.  After that, answer these questions:1. Based on the video and contents, is this Advertising suite easy to use? 2. Compare this solution with its equivalent in Google analyticshttps://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2444872?hl=en&ref_topic=3413645 Which one is easier to use? All things considered and assuming similar fees which one would you choose? Why?