Hi, need to submit a 3000 words paper on the topic Nonlinear and Negative Resistance in Loose Electrical Contacts the Dark Bridge. An analysis of the dark bridge in loose electrical contacts reveals nonlinear and negative resistance. This article gives a critical review of the nonlinear and negative resistance in loose electrical contacts dark bridge. The review includes the introduction, research, critical analysis and finally, the conclusion.The authors’ intention of writing the article was to survey and summarise research on a topic in the engineering field. The summary and analysis give a detailed outline of the voltage-current (V-I) relationship as well as the diameter and thickness of the black bridge. The findings should reveal a nonlinear and negative resistance in loose electrical contacts at a range of definite values. This article in relation to other works in the same field is important for it provides critical information that will guide designers in their design work especially designers of printed circuit boards. The authors, who are graduate students, outline their points and support them accordingly in a manner that is easily grasped by the learner.Electrical contact can be defined as a releasable junction between two conductors which is apt to carry electric energy. (Holm, 1981). Electrical contacts are quite crucial for every electrical system for which inefficiency due to contact failure is common. The degradation may be as a result of the improper design of the points of contact or of the contacts themselves. (Kubota and Sasaki et al., 2013) Michael Brumbach in his book, Industrial Maintenance, maintains that “mechanical vibrations cause electrical connections to loosen over time. Loose electrical connections cause high resistance connections that result in heat build-up and failure of the termination.” (Brumbach and Clade, 2003)Loose electrical connections and broken wires can be a cause of the electrical fire. This happens as follows.