Need help with my writing homework on Mills Fallacy of Private Life. Write a 1250 word paper answering; As a point of departure, Stephen disagrees with Mill on the instruments to invigorate and expand a strong personal character. According to Mills distinguishable features, Coercion has really announced and, but develops a character and its originality. Various examples will be outlined to indicate this position. In a bid to understand himself, Stephen tried to offer a corrective pattern of views, which are powerfully examined in Stuart’s Mill, who becomes the center of discussion in this essay (James, 34).As a point of departure, according to Mill’s the public normally unites around political ideologies about how to get along together. This belief is guided by the basic constitutional ideologies. In addition, the identity of politics, such as the gay act According to Mill, were equal before, based on activities and rights movements should be left alone. The model of similarity applies to this incident, however, the bone of contention between this perspective and Mill’s belief takes us to the discussion, where Stephen disagrees with Mill’s ideology that, people should be left to do whatever they want as long as they do it in private (James, 37). This is a serious fallacy, which needs to be sorted. The underlying principle as to why the public, according to Mill should be allowed to do what they want is because of the presence of the harm principle, which dictates that, without legit reasons to limit people leave them alone. This brings us to a question that, Does Mill’s ideology in the liberty of people based on the Harm Principle.If yes, then Stephen challenges this fallacy. Mills agrees with the harm section of the ideology on morals, however, Mills’ liberal mind is exhibited, when he disagrees with the section of the legal morals. Where he disagrees that when something is immoral, the immorality element should not be applied to make law on it. On this point, Mill asserts that communitarian morals are against the public order and should not influence our way of perception, particularly on political matters. Mills argues that communal thinking and way of doing things in a group should not be used to make a legal and informed decision against an individual or a group of people (James, 33).