Discussion: How have the liberal arts changed? Create a post with a minimum of 250-words that discusses the important aspects of the liberal arts that have been retained over hundreds of years. The two articles you read on this topic prior to the start of the course should be referenced in your writing.https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=e-pRCwAAQBAJ&gl=us&hl=en-US&source=productsearch&utm_source=HA_Desktop_US&utm_medium=SEM&utm_campaign=PLA&pcampaignid=MKT-FDR-na-us-1000189-Med-pla-bk-Evergreen-Jul1520-PLA-eBooks_Medical&gclid=CjwKCAiA9bmABhBbEiwASb35V6el0EEmW6506om_hZVu3rC29XT63KBPWrg43LPy1sjhfgd_J3E9TxoC9oEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.dsRead the Overview and Introduction to the Bellevue text.Read Chapter 1: BeginningsRead Chapter 2: Hosack’s Visionstudents will have mastered the material in the module when they can:Summarize the important aspects of the liberal arts that have been retained over the centuries.Describe what Clayton Rose said was the important aspect of the liberal arts that still exist today.Summarize the beginnings of Bellevue Hospital and the vital mission it performed.Please use the book i posted and material i attached