Write down journal minimum 100 wordsReflect upon what I have learned so far from leadership class & The Strong Leader’s Hand: 6 Essential Elements Every Leader Must Master(Only Chapter 3&4).what I learned.ThreatOccurs outside the influence of the crewErrorActions or inactions that reduce safety margins.Undesired Aircraft StateAn unintended situation results in reduction of safety margins.Examples of ThreatsAdverse meteorological conditionsAirpots surrounded by high mountainsCongested airspaceAircraft malfunctionsErrors committed by other people outside of the cockpit, such as air traffic controllers, flight attendants or mechanic.Types of ThreatsAnticipated- Thunderstorm- Busy airportUnanticipated- Malfunction- Clear Air TurbulenceLatent- Equipment design flaws- Crew schedules- Optical illusionsExamples of ErrorsIn ability to maintain a stabilized approachExecuting a wrong automation modeFailing to give a required calloutMisinterpreting an ATC clearance.Types of ErrorsIntentional NoncomplianceProceduralCommunicationProficiencyOperational Decision*High Importance Not Urgent* High Importance UrgentLow Importance Not Urgent Low Importance UrgentLook carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the most use of the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16)Enemies of Time ManagementWhat are your biggest time wasters?- playing video game What are your biggest distractions?- What are bad habits you need to break?- laziness