no plagiarism 
Length: 2000 words at a bare minimum; no maximum
MLA paper format
In-text citations, using signal phrases and page numbers
Synthesis (as we have studied, not one source at a time, but putting sources in conversation–sources can confirm, complement, complicate, or contradict each other. See Norton,  Chapter 50.   See especially the sample on pages 520-521, noting that  the writer pulls together multiple sources in a paragraph and even in a  single sentence (but realize that we are using MLA in-text citation, not the system of citation used in that article).
No plagiarism, whether or not intentional (including patch writing)
Use of scholarly sources: all sources must come from the library  databases. You must specifically use in text and cite at least 10  sources.
Correct, clear, and elegant writing (Links to an external site.)
Cohesion (Links to an external site.) and unity