only needs to read chapter 4
Scenario: Enhancement Reading
Format: Written 
1) Are IT applications an asset or an expense?

[Format: Explain why an asset or an expense in 1 paragraph – Must cite sources]

2) How do allocations work?

[Format: Graphic – Must cite sources]

3) What are the main purposes of allocating IT costs to user departments?

[Format: Explain in 1 paragraph – Must cite sources]

4) As a percentage of sales, how much should a company, on average, spend on IT?

[Format: Find a graphic that covers various industries – Must cite sources]
Important Note: Answers without citations, misleading citations, or from CourseHero/Chegg will result in a Zero “1” (tells me at a glance that you ‘plagiarized’ / did not think) for the entire assignment for the entire Team.