The Leadership Self-Assessment Quizzes are an important component of the Written Exercise for this module. The quizzes are intended to reveal certain personality traits and leadership behaviors that you may not be fully aware of. By no means are these quizzes regarded as “all knowing” of your leadership skills, and thus the results should not be taken as the end, but rather as the beginning, of the self-assessment process. You are expected to critically analyze the results and not just accept them at face value.
Take the following Leadership Self-Assessment Quizzes in the text:
•    Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 5-1: Measuring Your Situational Perspective
•    Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 5-2: Quality of Leader-Member Relations
•    Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 6-1: The Leadership Ethics Quiz
•    Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 6-2: The Air Force Character Attributes Checklist
Self-Assessment Report /Leadership-Skill Building Exercises
(Part 3 of Leadership Portfolio Project)
Continue organizing your Course Project (Leadership Self-Reflection Portfolio) by completing Leadership Skill-Building Exercises 5-2 and 6-4.
Submit a written report (not to exceed 1,000 words) that covers both of the portfolio building leadership skill-building exercises. The report should also incorporate your findings and conclusions from the self-assessment quizzes in this module, and from personal reflection. You will use the “Leadership Portfolio Project Outline” in Doc Sharing to structure your final project paper.