Part 1: 
Write a one-paragraph summary of the article 
Guidelines for writing a summary of an article:
• State the main ideas of the article in the first sentence, and include the article title in that same sentence. (Hint, you might look at the last two sections of the article before you read the article, in order to clearly see the argument.)

• Identify the most important details that support the main ideas.

• Write your summary in your own words; avoid copying phrases and sentences from the article unless they’re direct quotations.

• Express the underlying meaning, not just the superficial details. (In other words, don’t share details from the article that do not help the reader understand the main argument.)
Part 2:
Pick any 3 ideas from the article that stuck out to you as interesting in some way. For each one:
– quote a 1-2 sentence section from the article that refers to or explains that idea. 
– below that quote, write a paragraph explaining this idea in your own words and explaining why it was interesting to you. Try to make connections (between the text and other texts; between the text and conversations we had in class; between the text and your own life). These should be at least 100 words each.