Written Analysis 1: Write a 6 page paper (excluding the cover page and reference page which are parts of the paper) that describes how the historical development of policing in the United States relates to the current relationship between police and different ethnic groups and social classes. Support your paper with examples from law enforcement practices, court procedures, corrections populations, or all three. You must follow APA guidelines or points will be deducted.  No plagiarism. The point system for papers is as follows: 
50% – Content – Did the student address the assigned topic? Were the resources used peer reviewed? DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA! If a reference is missing information in order to properly cite the resource then do not use it! You can use Google Scholar, Galileo, Ebsco Host, Pro Quest, and other search engines in order to complete your papers. No quotations! 12 pt Times New Roman. Only (1) one web reference is allowed. You may not use your textbook as a reference. 25% – Grammar/Writing mechanics – Do not use pronouns . 25% – APA – Please invest in the 6th Edition of the manual. APA manual guidelines are also available via the course content section of the course room in D2L (Desire to Learn).