This question is divided to 2 parts. One is the Annotated Bibliography and the other part is for the 8 pages research paper. The process for the whole research has been half done, so there are two parts left.The files attached are the 1) Outline. 2) Proposal. 3) the research guide. 4) Annotated Bibliography guide.I would like to receive the Annotated Bibliography on this Monday 10th of April at 12:00 p.m. and the 8 pages research paper on the next Monday 17th of April at the same time.One last thing regarding the sources, there is one image on this website… and for the other 3 see the guide.




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A. Introduction
1. Hook: Fact- 40% of today’s global population works in agriculture, making it the single largest
employer in the world.
2. Background information: (you can write basic ideas rather than complete sentences)
Environmental preservation, healthy food, increase employment, natural resources.
3. Thesis statement: humanity has started life with agriculture being the essential way of living, and
now it changed throughout history and now it causes disasters to the environment. There are three
benefits of agriculture, raises labor rate, saves the ecosystem, and let people eat healthy.
B. Subtopic 1: Environmental preservation is saving the environment from any harms.
1. Harms such as, pollution (in all ways), and global warming.
C. Subtopic 2: People managing their food from agriculture lessens the rate of unemployment.
1. Unemployment is such a huge issue in all the countries, so by encouraging people to work in farm or
local farms could assist them.
D. Subtopic 3: The most controversial topic nowadays is how people can get food as fast as possible.
1. In doing so may not be good for societies and will eventually cause obesity.
E. Conclusion
1. Conclusion sentence (restates the thesis): Simply, there are other ways to solves these problems. By
working together and spread knowledge to everyone and following the steps mentioned above is
2. Summary of 3 subtopics: Environmental preservation, increase employment, healthy food.
Impact of Agriculture
Research Background
Today, forty percent of the global population is in the agriculture sector. Working to
obtain their daily bread, this makes agriculture the largest employer in the world. This raises
issues in the manner in which people interact with the environment. As an enabler of human
survival on the planet, agriculture has become one of the remedies to the various disasters that
face the environment currently. Advantages accruing as a result of agriculture include increased
employment opportunities and the development of a better ecosystem as well as being a rich
source of healthy living.
As such, environmental preservation is a must for all agricultural practitioners. This is
due to the unprecedented merits that it brings about. These merits include sustaining the
environment from harm and pollution from human activities. This leans to an interrelated
advantage where the impact such as global warming is reduced.
As an added advantage, through agriculture, agriculture is a creator and enabler of
employment. Most companies depend on agriculture as their raw materials. This shows the input
that agriculture has on the value chain in the multi industry sectors. The more the people are
demanding for food based products, the better it is for agriculture as a source pf employment.
Through and through, agriculture will continue growing as the human population is ever
increasing, this will continually create employment opportunities for people and hence reduce
poverty in the world. Lastly, the impact of agriculture on the heath choices of people is clear.
Currently, it has become a hot issue in terms of how people eat. Agriculture will be essential in
their search for heathy food choices.
This brings to conclusion the fact that humanity created agriculture as a means to achieve
a living and although there have been adverse effects on the environment, agriculture comes in to
save the day, create employment and boost the health status of people.
Purpose of Research and Methodology
Conducting a research in this area is therefore justified by the fact that there it is relevant
to the current issues that are facing the world. These include issues with widespread
environmental pollution, increased unhealthy foods related complications and increased
unemployment. The research hypothesis is that through agriculture, the employment rates,
pollution and health standards can be improved. Researching on the various ways in which
agricultural value chains can be implemented to change this course is of primal importance.
In the research, the sources will be majorly from researches done previously on the subject of
pollution. There are many rich sources with details on how agriculture has reduced
unemployment and on value chain. I will deductively analyze the articles to come up with
relevant recommendations on the topic of agriculture and how it can be used to address the
aforementioned issues.
The research will not take long. I expect to be done with it in a months’ time since most of the
sources are secondary. The methodology will be in case of case study researches. I will use case
studies from around the world to drive my point’s home in the research. Mores so, I will use
sources with expert opinions to further drive the points in my research.
Lastly, I expect to have some challenges and problems while undertaking the research. These
may be to do with the authenticity of the case studies since the geographical scope will be large
and secondly, financing the research for any analysis or journal purchase costs. Besides these
however, I will be at a position to deliver on the project research within the said timeline.
Overview: Students will identify a research topic, write a proposal, a critical annotated bibliography, an outline
and draft of a research paper using appropriate organizational structures, and revise the research paper for a
final submission. They will also present their research to their classmates.
Student Learning Outcomes:
 Students will learn academic content knowledge and vocabulary in the content area of Sustainability
and Consumption and will demonstrate understanding of this knowledge by completing papers and
 Students will produce a research paper & presentation.
 Students will learn how to locate and evaluate academic sources, organize their notes, and will create
an annotated bibliography and a reference list for their research paper.
 Students will incorporate sources into research papers and academic presentations using paraphrasing,
summarizing, quoting, and appropriate citation methods.
 Students will incorporate academic language and grammar, discourse transitions, and appropriate
register in both their research papers and academic presentations.
Project Stages:
 Topic ideas due
 Research Proposal due
 Annotated Bibliography due
 Outline due
 Paper due
 Revised Paper due
 Presentation Slides due
 Presentations done in class
* Additional pieces may be required the instructor
Sources: Sources must be current, i.e., published within the last decade (the more recent, the better)
You must use a minimum of 4 sources:
1- source from class materials
3- sources that are academic in nature (a journal article, book, or book chapter)
2- maximum general internet sources, which must be determined to be reliable and given instructor
Other non-academic sources such as newspaper/magazine articles and essays read in class can also be used,
as long as you have at least three outside academic sources.
Paper Formatting:
 8-10 pages
 Typed and double-spaced with 12 point standard font and 1 inch margins
 APA Style* should be observed in terms of formatting and citations (both in-text and on works cited
 Must include a title page and page numbers
University of South Florida ELP | March, 2017
EAP 1851
Research Proposal: You will write a detailed 2 page research proposal that discusses your topic, planned
method, and purpose in depth. Be sure to cover your topic, your hypothesis, your potential sources and
problems, your method, timeline, and, most importantly, the significance of the proposed project.
A research proposal…
 is designed to orient you to your research focus by asking you to articulate a topic for investigation
 establishes the relationship between use of sources and strong research writing
 is a promise of sorts, for you’ll develop this topic into your major research-based argument
 will be 3 pages, typed
*More detailed proposal guidelines and a sample research proposal will be discussed in class.
*In order to prepare for the proposal, you may begin with a “Research Sketch”
Annotated Bibliography: As part of the Research Project, you are to produce a critical annotated bibliography
that demonstrates your research knowledge of the subject you have chosen for your research project.
A critical annotated bibliography is…
 an organized list of sources – books, articles, and/or electronic -(like a reference list) that address a
specific research question or topic
 which includes a critical annotation – essentially a brief description and reason why the source is useful
(or not) for your paper – for each source.
Paper: You will write an 8-10 page research paper on your chosen topic. As a part of the writing process, you
will produce an outline, the paper, and a revised version of the paper once you’ve gotten feedback from peers
and your instructor.
Presentation: You will also be responsible for delivering a 10-15 minute presentation on your research topic.
This presentation serves as an opportunity to share your research findings with your class and is informative in
nature. Additional guidelines and scoring criteria will be provided in the coming weeks.
Assessment: The Individual Research Project is worth 35% of the final course grade. The instructor will use
rubrics to evaluate the project. Areas of evaluation will include application of course content, task-related
skills, and language use.
Students will be evaluated on the following components:
Annotated Bibliography
Research Paper
Revised Paper
March, 2017 | University of South Florida ELP
Appendix A: Research Paper Planning Checklist
By ____________(Date):
____ I have decided on the topic I will write. It is:
My working thesis/ stance on the subject currently is (be sure it is at least mildly argumentative):
____ My instructor has approved my topic and working thesis.
By ____________ (Date):
____ I have found which source(s) to use from class. They are:
____ I have found my three additional academic sources.
____ I used the USF library’s website to locate, evaluate, and decide on at least two articles from an academic
journal. They are:
____ I have also found at least one more academic source to utilize. It is:
____ I have found a minimum of six (6) sources.
____ I have completed the source evaluation sheet for my outside sources and deemed them valid, useful, and
valuable to my research.
____ I have taken notes on all of my sources.
____ I have completed my annotated bibliography.
By ____________ (date):
____ I have developed a second draft of my working thesis after reading my sources. It is:
____ I have completed the outline of my paper.
____ I have met with my instructor to discuss my project thus far.
By ____________ (date)
____ I have drafted the first draft of my paper.
____ I have read my paper aloud to myself or others to check for comprehension, typos, or other errors.
____ I have created the final copy of my Works Cited Page according to MLA/APA (Okay to use RefWorks,
EasyBib, BibMe, EndNote, etc.)
University of South Florida ELP | March, 2017
EAP 1851
____ I have added in-text, parenthetical citations, using the last name or keywords that are hanging from my
works cited entries with only the page number if needed in parenthesis, for all summarized, paraphrased
and directly quoted information from my sources.
____ I have printed a copy of my draft, including my title page and works cited page and brought it to class for
____ I have received two peer reviews of my paper.
____ I have met with my instructor and discussed the progress of my paper.
By the final due date of ____________before midnight:
____ I have revised my paper with the comments from the peer reviews in mind.
____ I have re-read my paper aloud.
____ I have checked my paper for grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors.
____ I have composed the revised draft of my paper.
____ I have reviewed the revised draft with a tutor.
____ I have uploaded a copy of my completed planning packet to Canvas.
____ I have uploaded the revised draft of my project to Canvas.
March, 2017 | University of South Florida ELP
Appendix B: Source Evaluation Worksheet
1) Is the source relevant?
a) Will it help you accomplish your purposes and address your readers’ needs and interests?
2) Does the source provide evidence and use it appropriately?
a) Is enough evidence of the right kind offered?
b) Is it used fairly?
c) Is it convincing?
d) Are its sources provided?
3) Who is the author of the source?
a) Is the author knowledgeable?
b) What is the author’s affiliation with the topic?
c) How do the author’s biases affect the arguments, ideas, and information in the source?
4) Who is the publisher of the source?
a) What information about the publisher can you find?
b) How do the publisher’s biases affect the arguments, ideas, and information in the source?
5) When was this published?
a) How does that impact your project?
6) How comprehensive is this source?
University of South Florida ELP | March, 2017
EAP 1851
For Electronic Sources:
1) What person or organization produced the site (a commercial entity, a nonprofit entity, a student, an
expert)? Check the URL to get a clue about the authorship. If there is a link to the author’s homepage,
check it out to learn more about the author. If not, perform a search of their name. Does the author have
an affiliation with a reputable institution?
2) What is the purpose of the site? Is the site in effect an infomercial, or is it an attempt to contribute to a
thoughtful discussion?
3) Are the sources of information indicated and verifiable? Were you able to check them? What were the
results of the check?
4) Is the site authoritative enough to use?
For Articles from Periodicals:
1) Is the periodical respectable and serious?
2) If the article is from a scholarly journal, are you sure you understand it?
For Books:
1) Do the arguments seem sound based on what you learned about skillful critical reading and writing?
2) When was it published?
a) Is the material still relevant?
March, 2017 | University of South Florida ELP
Appendix C: The Research Sketch
Focusing and narrowing your research topic – Complete the following questions in complete sentences, where
possible. This will help you to focus and narrow your research topic.
My specific topic is:
My research questions are (provide complete sentences):
The focused aspects of the topic I plan to analyze include:
I have tried the following sources and used the following keywords in my search:
These are my specific questions about my research process (for my instructor or a librarian not the topic):
These are the obstacles I think I might encounter in my research:
These are the solutions I plan to try to overcome these obstacles:
University of South Florida ELP | March, 2017
EAP 1851
Appendix D: Description of the Annotated Bibliography
As part of the Individual Research Project, you are to produce an annotated bibliography that demonstrates
your research knowledge of the subject you have chosen for your research project. Consider the annotated
bibliography as a resource list that the audience/reader could use to find sources for their own research,
determine the accuracy of your research, and/or look up additional information on your topic for their own
First, what is an annotation?
Each source listed in an annotated bibliography includes an annotation – essentially a brief description of an
article, book, Web site or other type of publication. However, an annotation is more than just a brief summary
of a source. An annotation should give enough information to make a reader decide whether to read the
complete work. In other words, if the reader were exploring the same topic as you, is this material useful and if
so, why? Additionally, the annotation should show why the source was found to be useful (or not) for the
research paper.
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources – books, articles, and/or electronic – (like a reference
list) that address a specific research question or topic. In this case, you are addressing the research question or
topic for your project.
It differs from a straightforward bibliography in that each reference is followed by a paragraph length
annotation. The kind of information and the amount of information included in each description depends on
the audience and purpose that the bibliography is intended to serve.
Depending on the assignment, an annotated bibliography might have different purposes:

Provide a literature review on a particular subject

Help to formulate a thesis on a subject

Demonstrate the research you have performed on a particular subject

Provide examples of major sources of information available on a topic

Describe items that other researchers may find of interest on a topic

Determine why a source is/isn’t useful for a paper on a topic
Types of annotated bibliographies –There are two major types of annotated bibliographies:
1. Descriptive or informative
2. Analytical or critical
**For this EAP 1851 paper, you will be producing a short, critical MLA/APA style annotated bibliography. Each
annotation should be approximately 150 words long.**
March, 2017 | University of South Florida ELP
How do I write the annotations? – After you have found your sources, the next step is to write the
annotations that you will include with each source.
When writing your annotation, the complete citation should always come first and the annotation follows.
Depending on the type of annotated bibliography you are writing, you will want to include:
1. The purpose of the work
2. A summary of its content
3. For what type of audience the work is written
4. Its relevance to the topic
5. Any special or unique features about the material
6. The strengths, weaknesses or biases in the material (critical/analytical only)
Analytical or critical – An analytical or critical annotation not only summarizes the material, but it analyzes
what is being said. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of what is presented as well as describing the
applicability of the author’s conclusions to the research being conducted. For example:
“Breeding Evil.” The Economist, 4 August 2005: Web. 10 June 2010.

This editorial from the Economist describes the controversy surrounding video games and the effect
they have on people who use them. The article points out that most critics of gaming are people over
40 and it is an issue of age, not of the games themselves. While the author briefly mentions studies
done around the issue of violence and gaming, he does not go into enough depth for the reader to
truly know the range of studies that have actually been done in this area, other than to take his word
that the research is unsatisfactory. The author of this article stresses the age factor over violence as the
real reason for opposition to video games and stresses the good gaming has done in most areas of
human life. This article is a good resource for those wanting to begin to explore the controversy
surrounding video games, however for anyone doing serious research, one should actually examine
some of the research studies that have been done in this area rather than simply take the author’s
word that opposition to video games is simply due to an issue of generational divide.
*Notice the last sentence and word choice throughout. It criticizes the author’s rese …
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