Here are the two website i have choose for reference how ever you can others too.… and / Also I will include a copy of the outline form that will guide you. Please make sure you use the outline form.

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Preparing an Effective
I find it helpful to visualize the persuasivespeechas a cale. The elementsof the cake
itselJare the most essential,while the frosting elementsshould orily be addedafter the
cakeis done.This is a guide to the “cake.” Frostingelementsindude your dress,
delivery,eye contact,gesfures,vocalvariety, and so on. An excellentdelivery alone will
not be enough to accomplishpersuasionwith an inteUigentaudience.This guide should
acquaintyou with elementsof the persuasivespeechwith r.r,hichyou may be udfamiliar.
Topic sel€ction.Questionsto ask yourself:
1. Is it conhoversial?
2. Am I really interestedin it?
3. Is there flerr,ilFrrrnfuorravailable?
4. What side is my auilienceon?
Thesis statemant. Th€ thcsis of a persuasivespeech should be a condensed,concise
statcmcntof your position on the toFic at hand.
1. A thesis p€rforrnsthree major functions:
a, Points out what your topic is
b. Clearly illustratesyour point of view
c. Limits the range of your topic
2. An exampl€ti’ould be, “l am opposedto ha.ndgunlaresin Ohio.,,
Yourargu6ent. Ulushativeof your point of view and iationale.l{ust accomplish:
1. Provide teasonsto support your point ofview (at leastthree)
2, Address the concemsof vouf opponents
3. Seekto refuteyour opponcnts’arguments
4. Eventually move the audiencetora,ardyour point of vicw
Besureto provideal,r|lcsupportlor your pointof view.Therearenumerousformsof suDDort.In
your source5
l. be as unbiasedas possible(NnfroralRc.,i,t, is not an unbiasedsourcel).
2. b€ as current as possible.
3. be from a substantial source (avoid popular magazinessuch as Mdemoiylle,
Vog e, SeMt een,The NntionnlEnquirer);us€ thesesourcesto lead you to stronger
sources(acfualsurveys and professiona.l
Your op€ningand closingar8l,menrsshould be your srrongest.placeyour weakestargrmenr m
the middle ofyour speechin order to have the most effectiveopen and closepossible!
‘Adapted by permissionof Cynthia Duquette.
Opponent’s al.gument, Must be addressed for persuasion to succeed.
1. Persuasionis basedon the idea that human beingsare rational and logical.Failing
to addressopposite points of view insults your audience’sability to come to their
own decision.It is next to impossible to convince your audience that your vie
is better if they don’t know what the “inf€rior” view is!
2. You can addressyour opPonent’sargument in scveralr.l’ays:
a. Beforeyour own points,using your points to refute it
b. After your points, dirrediting the other view
c. Beforeconcluding a generallyr.r’eak*’ay to addressit
Source citation,lfyou forget to cite, you’ll tegret it!
Call to a.tion. Gives your audiencea spetific persuasivegoal.
Asks your audienceto take a particular action,such as voting, wdting a congresspersor; or thinking furthet atEut an i9sue.
2. Demonstratesthat you have a speciJic,attainablegoal.
3, lt is much easierto persuadevour audicnceto take a small but important action
than to undelgo a 360-degreechange.
Answering questions.Is a part of)’out grade and must be done effectively.Here’show:
1. Remain standingat the front of the room after your speech,
2. S€lectpeoplefrom different parts of the audience.
3. Repeatthe questiont’eforelou ans$ er it, so everyonehearsit.
4. Aruwer the questionsuccirrtl]’ and move on.
Hints to Think About
1. Call on a specificperson for rour first question.
2. Signal when you’ll acceptone last question.
Crucial Stepsin PreparingYour Speech
1. You absolutelymust havea crvstal clear thesisstatement.
2. You should be clear about ! ‘here I our audiencestandson vour issue.
3. Cite you! sourcet or perish’
4. You rhust have a clear goal for vourself, for example, “l want to move mv
audiencetrom X position to Y position with respectto my topic.” Keep this goalin
mind and direct all of your pleparation to achievingit.
5. Have your speechclearly organizedand makestrong use of signposts.
6. Limit your topic to a manageablelevel: You can’t possiblypersuadean atheistto
believe in God in an 8-minutespeech!
7. Visual aids are shongly recommended;your audience has to understand to be
8. Practicethis speechmore than any other!!

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