1-Use the upload video and Explain what specific portions of the video are/have been, or were helpful to you and how. 
link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZHvpgU7pc8 ( Action Research in the classroom Part 2, missmelissa73)
2- Define the concept “validity” as it applies to action research
3-Describe how the preservice teacher in the chapter 6, case study (pp. 147) addressed issues of validity in her action research study to improve student understanding and motivation of multiplication facts.
4-How did Alyson Marland determine if her intervention was effective?
5-Define reliability in your own words as it relates to action research.
6-Describe how Alyson Marland’s action research study does or does not address issues of reliability.
Bullet each question independently. The assignment must be completed using chapter 6; and APA 7th edition format is required.
Refer to the statement of focus document to get info about my research project
use 4 pages and include citations (author, year)