Go to page 507 of your textbook and look for image #21-24, Tourists, by Duane Hanson (1970).  In this short essay, you will determine the differences between a work of art’s subject and its content (both are explained in Chapter 1).  Describe the subject of this work of art.  Then, identify the content of this work of art.  Devote a paragraph to describing the subject.  This is usually accomplished by remaining objective (NO opinions or judgments) about what you see, and first making a general statement like ‘this work of art’s subject is _______________.’  Then, supply some detail about the observable elements of the work of art.Next, devote a paragraph to identifying the content of the work of art. You might begin by saying ‘this work of art’s content is __________________.’ (in this case, what KIND of tourists?) This is usually accomplished by considering questions along these lines:  HOW does the artist convey particular ideas about the subject?  HOW should the viewer perceive the artist’s point of view?  What are some conscious choices that the artist makes in order to convey that particular point of view?  Then, make a concluding statement about the subject and content of the work of art.