HRMD610 Issues and Practices in Human Resource Management
Week 1 Discussion
Past, Current, and Future Roles of HR Professionals in Organizations
During the past 50+ years, the responsibilities of the human resource management profession have changed.  Based on the provided resources (and others you might wish to use), share your thoughts about:
The differences between the past and current roles in this profession,
How and why the roles have changed,
What might the future hold for the field of HRM, and
How might you envision and prepare for a future career in the HRM field?
Please read and respond to others’ posts so we can share our thoughts with each other.
When you use a resource, please cite, reference, and format it in APA format. (Links are provided in Course Content to assist you.)
Avoid using “.com” web sites
Credible, applicable “.org” web sites are acceptable.