Two types of teams discussed are traditional and virtual. Traditional teams are the best known type, which is face-to-face collaboration. You will find this form of interaction is used within just about all work environments to conduct day-to-day business. A traditional team will consist of a team leader and two or more team members collaborating to support the main purpose of the team. While traditional teams are common to most organizations, virtual teams are changing the way business is being conducted in many ways, including from a logistic and cost standpoint. Virtual teams allow for a broader range in communication techniques. For example, this could mean conducting meetings with others outside of a physical location (state to state and country to country) and reducing travel costs by conducting business virtually.
Examine the types of teams in your workplace (Traditional Teams). Do you think teams are becoming more common in the workplace? Why, or why not? Explain and discuss your responses. 
Be sure to support your response(s).
DuBrin, A. J. (2015). Human relations: Interpersonal job-oriented skills (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.