# Write a program that uses the “turtle” module
# to allow two players to play Tic Tac Toe
# RULES:# 1. Players alternate turns
# 2. Players can only place a mark on an empty slot
# 3. Players can win only if
:#      1). They have won horizontally, or
#      2). They have won vertically, or
#      3). They have won diagonally
# 4. Players tie if there are no empty slots and on one has won
# Instructions:
# 1. Use the turtle module to draw the game board and
# the game pieces
# 2. Use two different colors to represent the two players 
# Topics that will be covered in this project:
# 1. How to use the turtle module to draw a square (3×3)
# 2. How to change the default image of a turtle object
# 3. How to use turtle module to write text on the screen
# 4. How to find the coordinates of the turtle (xcor, ycor) 
# import turtle

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