This programming project involves  writing a program to manage a student database. The interface to the  program should be a GUI that looks similar to the following Project 4 D  ld: Name: Major: Choose Selection: Insert Process Request Find Update A  combo box should allow the user to select one of the four database  actions shown. The database should be implemented as a HashMap, with the  ID field as the key and a student record consisting of a name and major  as the value. The operation should be performed when the user clicks  the Process Request button. If the user attempts to insert a key that is  already in the database an error message should be displayed using a  JOptionPane message dialog box. If the user attempts to delete, find or  update a record that is not in the database, a message should also be  displayed. After each successful operation is completed a JOptionPane  window should be displayed confirming the success. In the case of a  successful Find request, a window should pop up containing the student’s  ID, name, major and current GPA. When the user selects the Update  request, the following JOptionPane windows should be displayed to gather  information about a course that has just been completed Choose grade:  Choose credits: