Surveys and Scales
Use the Internet to search for examples of surveys and
scales with applications to counseling service delivery. One way to do this is
to enter search engine key words such as “surveys and scales for family
therapy.” Pay particular attention to the reliability and validity
properties mentioned in relationship to the scale or survey identified.
In your initial post, describe the surveys and scales you
found and analyze and critique them. For each survey or scale you find on a Web
site, include the following information:

of the Web site.
of the survey or site sponsor.
audience for survey.
of the survey—What the survey measures.
system—How the survey is scored.
of the instrument, discussing its validity and reliability and how it was
used in the practice of family therapy.

In addition, post
your answer to the following question: How could you use surveys in a research
proposal of your own counseling service?
Must be a minimum of 300 words.