I need an assignment for my certification, I have submitted an assignment but I got 20 mark out of 100 which is failed . The passing mark is 70 . I need a new assignment but I will share the old assignment and their feedback about my assignment so you can write . It’s very professional training institution so the writing must be professional. 
Attached files  below : 
1 : my assignment which I wrote and failed
2: general guidelines 
3: feedback of my submitted assignment and why I failed 
4 : the questions and requirements of this assignment
– Please read the general guidelines to incorporate it
– please read my assignment and you can use it 
– please read the feedback I received for my assignment so you know what to fix 
– read the questions. 
– must add references
– must be 3000 words
– must add introduction, recommendations, conclusion 
– incorporates examples from SABIC company like you work in Procurement in SABIC which is a company in KSA . You can open their website and get information.