Test Conditions Exercise Assignment Scenario (Same as Week 3): You are hired to test a parking lot calculation application. This application is provided for the convenience of travelers that use a certain parking lot, and provides them with an estimate of the costs they should expect to pay when parking on that lot. There are different sections of the lot, and each has a different pricing level associated with it. There is short-term, economy, long-term surface, long-term garage and valet parking. As a bonus, if you park in the economy lot, your 7th day of parking is free. Assignment Description: Consider the user stories/requirements you developed in Week 3. Use those stories as input to this assignment. Feel free to identify additional requirements as needed to complete this assignment. Identify a list of at least ten test conditions you would want to test for the above parking application. Prioritize each of the test conditions. Identify how and why you prioritized the test conditions the way you did. Identify which requirement(s) each of your test conditions are traceable to. Test Case Exercise Assignment Description: Use the scenario from Week 3 and Assignment 6.1 for this exercise. Identify a list of at least five test cases you would want to test for the above parking application. Be specific and detailed in your test case design. Prioritize each of the test cases. Identify how and why you prioritized each test case the way you did. Explain what considerations went into your decision to select these test cases over other possible ones. Weekly Discussion Forum Posts Select two discussion forum topics from below. Post an original thread of 250 words each in response to the following topics in this week’s discussion forum. (20 points) Discussion Forum Topics: Why is traceability an important concept when writing test conditions?Write a possible test script (procedure) for the parking calculation application. List at least 5 steps within the test script.What is the relationship between test conditions, test cases and test scripts?When are dynamic testing methods most valuable to use in comparison to static techniques?Compare and contrast black-box testing to white-box testing techniques, and specify what types of testing each are most appropriate for.


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CIS 623 – Software Testing and Quality
User Stories and Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I should be able to see the time that is considered short term. I should also be able to see
the short term vacant lots that are available for take up as well as the total cost for the parking time.
It should also be easy to pay for my parking area before I get to the park.
The acceptance criteria Is that all the details pertaining to the Short-term parking should be
available. These include the pricing, the links to more information and a map. The preview page
should have the map of the available parking lot and the cost associated with it.
As a user is should be able to track the number of times I have used the parking service. More so,
I should be able to see the areas that are available and if I qualify for a bonus.
The acceptance criteria is that statistics of previous service usage should be visible for the users to
know whether they are eligible for free parking. I should also be able to message the support in
case something is wrong with the whole process.
Long-term surface
As a user, I should be able to see the associated costs for taking the long-term surface. I should
also be able to see the features of the long-term surface and why is should select it. I expect to see
the comparable advantage to other options.
The acceptance criteria include that all the information and the links to metadata be included on
the landing page of the website of application. There should also be a question forum where the
clients fan find answers to frequently asked questions.
Long-term garage
As a user, I should be able to see all the services which my parking fee caters for. I should also see
the garage that car is to be kept and the features of that garage. The acceptable timelines and the
costs associated should also be seen on the starting page.
The acceptance criteria for this is availability of pictures as background for the interface. Then, all
the details pertaining to the long-term garage is included with hyperlinks to additional information.
The cost per hour should be seen on the first page.
Valet parking
As a user, I should be able to see the valet who parks the vehicle. I should also see all the costs
associated with the service.
The acceptance criteria is the provision of profiles where a client can choose who will park their
vehicle. The costs should also be visible for the user in the front page. These criteria will guide the
app creation.
CIS 623 – Software Testing and Quality
Assignment Scenario: You are hired to test a parking lot calculation application. This
application is provided for the convenience of travelers that use a certain parking lot, and
provides them with an estimate of the costs they should expect to pay when parking on that lot.
There are different sections of the lot, and each has a different pricing level associated with it.
There is short-term, economy, long-term surface, long-term garage and valet parking. As a
bonus, if you park in the economy lot, your 7th day of parking is free.
Assignment Description:
1. Review the scenario above and write 5 user stories to capture some of the core requirements for
this application. Use good story writing format when documenting these requirements. Note that
this scenario will be carried forward into future weeks, so be thoughtful about the user story
writing process.
2. Write acceptance criteria for each story.
User Stories and Acceptance Criteria
As a user, I should be able to see the time that is considered short term. I should also be able to see
the short term vacant lots that are available for take up as well as the total cost for the parking time.
It should also be easy to pay for my parking area before I get to the park.
The acceptance criteria Is that all the details pertaining to the Short-term parking should be
available. These include the pricing, the links to more information and a map. The preview page
should have the map of the available parking lot and the cost associated with it.
As a user is should be able to track the number of times I have used the parking service. More so,
I should be able to see the areas that are available and if I qualify for a bonus.
The acceptance criteria is that statistics of previous service usage should be visible for the users to
know whether they are eligible for free parking. I should also be able to message the support in
case something is wrong with the whole process.
Long-term surface
As a user, I should be able to see the associated costs for taking the long-term surface. I should
also be able to see the features of the long-term surface and why is should select it. I expect to see
the comparable advantage to other options.
The acceptance criteria include that all the information and the links to metadata be included on
the landing page of the website of application. There should also be a question forum where the
clients fan find answers to frequently asked questions.
Long-term garage
As a user, I should be able to see all the services which my parking fee caters for. I should also see
the garage that car is to be kept and the features of that garage. The acceptable timelines and the
costs associated should also be seen on the starting page.
The acceptance criteria for this is availability of pictures as background for the interface. Then, all
the details pertaining to the long-term garage is included with hyperlinks to additional information.
The cost per hour should be seen on the first page.
Valet parking
As a user, I should be able to see the valet who parks the vehicle. I should also see all the costs
associated with the service.
The acceptance criteria is the provision of profiles where a client can choose who will park their
vehicle. The costs should also be visible for the user in the front page. These criteria will guide the
app creation.

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