Write a paper that involves examing the social construction of something in society that we take for granted. 8 to 10 pages in length, double spaced,size 12 font, arial or times new roman.

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Sociology 1 – Introduction to Sociology
Term Paper
The Social Construction of Stuff
In groups of four, you will complete an 8 – 10 page research paper examining how something
that we do not usually think about in our daily lives has been socially constructed. This can be
anything and creativity is encouraged. You will consider your “thing” from a minimum of four
perspectives, (i.e., historical, cross-cultural, religious, economic, etc.) and explain how that thing
has come to be the way we know it today.
*Every paper must have a historical analysis and cross-cultural analysis. The other two sections
will be decided among the group.
In the paper you will take a sociological and objective approach. For example, if you are
researching marijuana I DO NOT want a paper about why smoking marijuana is bad for people
and should not be legalized (or, on the other hand, why you think it should be legal). Your paper
should be in standard essay form, 12 pt font, double spaced, 1” margins. Please proofread. You
must have a works cited page listing at least 4 outside sources.
A brief description of your topic, which perspective you are going to address, and who will write
each section is due by Monday, May 1 as an inbox message (1 proposal per group). Final papers
are due in canvas, as a word document file, no later than Sunday, May 28 at 11:45pm.

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