SOCIOLOGY STYLE SHEET FOR WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS PROFESSOR CASSANO All written assignments must follow these style requirements: Margins and spacing for written assignments: the left margin of any assignment should not be wider than 1.25”; the right margin of any assignment must not be wider than 1.25”. [The same margins used on this style sheet.] Top and bottom margins should be approximately 1 ½ to 2 inches. All written assignments should be double spaced. Font: In order to assure a standard paper length, please use 12 point font. Quotations: All essays must contain quotations from assigned readings. These quotations can take the form of individual words, phrases, single sentences, or longer passages. *If you quote a single sentence, use the following form: “The production of life…now appears as a double relationship: one the one hand as a natural, on the other as a social relationship.” *Do not italicize quotations. *As a general rule, if the passage cited is longer than a three short sentences, it should take the form of a block quotation. A single very long sentence might require a block quote, just as four very short sentences might not require block quotation. Use your best judgment. Do not use boldface and do not use italics when block quoting a passage (unless a word is boldfaced or italicized in the original). Citation form: Every quotation must be followed immediately by a citation: (Author, Year: Page #). For example: “The production of life…now appears as a double relationship: one the one hand as a natural, on the other as a social relationship” (Marx and Engels, 1988: 50). Further information and instruction concerning essay style will be provided in class. Works Cited Page and Reference Style: The following guidelines are based upon the citation style used by the professional journal Critical Sociology (Sage Publications). All written assignments must include a works cited page. List the authors in alphabetical order. For each author, list their works in chronological order, the earliest work first. All book citations must include the author’s last name, first initial, date of publication, title, place of publication, publisher. For example: Cooley C (1922) Human Nature and The Social Order. Revised Edition. New York, NY: Charles Scribner. For citations to texts with multiple authors, use the following form: Marx K and Engels F (1988) The German Ideology: Part One. New York, NY: International Publishers. When citing a journal article, include the author’s last name, first initial(s), date of publication, title, journal title, volume, issue, page numbers. For example: Peirce CS (1868) Some Consequences of Four Incapacities. The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(3): 140-157. When the same author has multiple texts that appear the same year, use an (a), (b), (c), etc., to signify the chronological order. For example: Peirce CS (1868a) Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed For Man. The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(2): 103-114. Peirce CS (1868b) Some Consequences of Four Incapacities. The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(3): 140-157. When citing an article that appears in a book, include the author’s last name, first initial(s), date of publication, article title, book author, book title, place of publication, publisher, page numbers. For example: Mauss M (1979) Body Techniques. In: Mauss M, Sociology and Psychology: Essays. London, U.K.: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 95-123. The separate ‘works cited’ page that accompanies every written assignment must be single spaced. Further information and instruction concerning citation style will be provided in class.1. Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Economic Classics—EMP). ISBN: 978-1619491281 2. Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England (Oxford, 2009). ISBN: 978-0-199555888 3. Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class (Dover, 1994). ISBN: 0-486-28062-4 4.Erving Goffman, Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. (Anchor Books, 1961) ISBN: 0-385-00016-2 5. Thomas J. Sugrue, The Origin of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. Revised Edition (Princeton, 2005). ISBN: 978-0691121864 6. Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Second Shift. (Penguin, 2003) ISBN: 978-0142002926 7. Kevin Leicht and Scott Fitzgerald, Middleclass Meltdown in America: Causes, consequences, and remedies (Routledge, 2014). ISBN: 978-0-415-70952-1 Charles Horton Cooley, “The Social Self”W.E.B. DuBois, “Of our spiritual strivings”Emile Durkheim, “What is a Social Fact”Max Weber, “Class, Status, Party”Florence Kelley, “The Sweating System”Marion Young, “Throwing Like a Girl”Short Paper:The paper must be between 3-4 pages long, type-written, double spaced and conform to the style and citation requirements posted on our moodle site (“Class Style Sheet”). Since this is a text-based course, the papers must contain direct textual citations (quotations from the books).Paper Topic: Does Arlie Hochschild view marriage as a “total institution”?First, define Goffman’s notion of a total institution, then, using examples from The Second Shift, explain how marriage is or is not a total institution according to Hochschild.Not asking is Marriage a Total Institution!No outside sources!! Only quotes from books read in class!!Get right to the point!!No quotations (especially from Goffman or Hochschild) NO CREDIT!!Don’t just describe a Total Institution but how it works! (Looking-glass Self) *Page and a half at most including quotations*Hochschild perspective “can marriage be a total institution or not?Relation of Hochschild to Gofman!!*Citation Form* Name, Date, and Page Number after each quotations or NO CREDIT6. Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Second Shift. (Penguin, 2003)4.Erving Goffman, Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. (Anchor Books, 1961)All of the information with all of the texts are provided above along with what has already been written to work off of and make changes to.

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4 April 2017
The Marriage institution has been regarded in different perspectives by different people for
various reasons. Arlie Hochschild subscribes to the view that marriage is not a whole institution.
He comes to this conclusion in the book “When Work Becomes Family: The Case of Low-Wage
Caregivers” in which the relationship between the family and the workplace is brought up. The
argument brings out deception in marriage life where one gets more intimate with work mates that
their spouses because of the problems faced at home. Jobs have given a way of escape since at
home there are a lot of problems which have been brought by the low wages they get in the
Goffman’s Notion of a Total Institution
Sociologist Erving Goffman, a social theory contributor in symbolic interactions coined
out in his paper” Characteristics of Total Institutions” which he presented in the April of 1957
while in a symposium at the Walter Reed Institute whose primary focus was preventive and social
psychiatry. According to him Total institutions are divided into five categories,
Established to take care of the people who are felt to be harmless and unable. Such
institutions include nursing homes, children homes, and the poor houses.
The places that are established to give care for the people who are considered as
being incapable of living independent lives and they pose a threat to the society
without their intention. Such include mental hospitals, leprosarium and
Tuberculosis Sanitariums.
Institutions that are organized to give protection to the society against the dangers
which are considered as being in a position to pose an intentional threat. Such
institutions include Penitentiaries, jails and concentration camps.
Institutions that are established to help in the betterment of work like duties or
considered as instrumental grounds. They include Work Camps, Boarding Schools,
Ships, Colonial Compounds and Servant quarters.
Those institutions considered as a retreat or a solace from the normal world and
also serve as centers for training especially for religion. Such places include
Convents, Monasteries, Cloisters and Abbeys.
Is Marriage a Social Institution?
According to the views brought forward by Hochschild concerning marriage life of the
couples, it is appropriate to say that Marriage is not a Social Institution. The Second Shift by
Hochschild describes the roles of Working Parents and the Revolution at Home. The description
of the family is brought forward by examining the roles played by women in different ages with
different marital roles identified; traditional, transitional and egalitarian. The functions of a man
and that of a woman are different in each of the ages whereby the traditional woman’s primary
concern is identifying with activities within the home setting with her roles as a wife, a mother
and a good neighbor. Therefore the main concern of a woman in the traditional woman’s role is
mainly childcare and domestic labor. “ The egalitarian woman feels that she wants to be identified
with some of the roles played by men and feels the need of equality in marriage. The transitional
woman takes traits from both the traditional and the egalitarian woman”.
In conclusion on why marriage is not a total institution according to Hochschild, there is a
lot of influence on marriage by the outside factors like the job. For example, most women get
intimate with workplace colleagues and consider the job as a reason for being away from home.
Can Marriage Be a Total Institution from Hochschild perspective?
Hochschild describes that Marriage can be a whole institution if the roles of man and
woman after the employment are shared equally. They should both assist each other at home in
carrying out all the domestic chores. The problems within the family should be shared be solved
between the two in the best way possible, and the husband should treat the woman in the
appropriate way.
Relation of Hochschild to Goffman
Goffman describes total institution like the one that doesn’t have influence from the
outside and is developed to better the lives of people. Similarly, Hochschild describes marriage
as an institution that should ensure that life becomes better for each of the couples. The roles at
the home place should be shared between the man and the woman to turn back into a healthier
and ideal place to live all the time.
Works Cited
Bouras, N. “On Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other
Inmates, by Irving Goffman – reflection.” The British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 205,
no. 6, 2014, pp. 427-427.
Brines, Julie, et al. “The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home.”
Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 52, no. 1, 1990, p. 278.
Goodman, Benny. “Erving Goffman and the total institution.” Nurse Education Today,
vol. 33, no. 2, 2013, pp. 81-82.
Hochschild, Arlie. “The Roles of an Ambassador’s Wife: An Exploratory Study.” Journal of
Marriage and the Family, vol. 31, no. 1, 1969, p. 73.
—. “The Role of an Ambassador’s Wife – An Exploratory Study.” Journal of Marriage and the
Family, vol. 31, no. 1, 1969, p. 73.

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