I need a research paper that is 6-8 pages long ( double spacing, 11 or 12 pt font) 
topics are attached, you can choose any topic you like.
requirements about what to include in the paper:
o  Title and executive summary/abstract
o  System / Product Description
o  Life Cycle Phase for Product / System
o  Contractor and Customer/Stakeholders
o  Background on the LCC Issue
o  Bibliography / Cite at Least 3 References
· Provide Annotated Outline (key thoughts/notes/outline) for the remaining sections of paper 
o  Identify the Life Cycle Cost Management Approach Used
o  Identify Scope/Magnitude of LCC Issue (Improvement) 
o  Analyze the Root Causes of this LCC Issue (Improvement)
o  Identify Affordability Initiatives / Corrective Actions Being Taken or Proposed
o  Identify the Major Risks for Achieving the LCC Target Cost
o  Identify or Recommend a Course of Action to Resolve Issue  (or Capture Savings Opportunity)
o  Conclusions / Lessons Learned
what should be included in the paper:
· Content
o  Required sections included
o  Adequate research / references
o  Supporting facts / data
o  Technical language usage
· Analyses
o  Sound reasoning and logic
o  Application of LCC concepts
o  Evaluation of root causes — 5 Whys
o  Assessment of LCC management approach (implemented / proposed)
o  Assessment of risks or opportunities
o  Assessment of forward course of action  
· Conclusions
o  Good summary of key points
o  Flow from paper discussion content
o  Insight into LCC issue topic
o  Lessons Learned / Take-away
· Writing Style
o  Engaging to read and easy to understand.  
o  Use of paragraph topic and transition sentences
o  Good sentence structure
o  Use of Active Voice — short, concise sentences
o  Grammar & Spelling
· Format
o  Nice to look at
o  Layout / Neatness
o  Use of section headers
o  Double spacing
o  Font 11pt or 12 pt