ENG001 Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking
In-Text Citation 4
This in-text citation exercise will require that you use multiple sources in conversation with each other. You will need to read “The New Nationwide Crime Wave” by Heather Mac Donald on page 495 and “No ‘Ferguson Effect’” by the Baltimore Sun Editorial Board on page 500 from Current Issues and Enduring Questions. Each article discusses the issue regarding race and violence.
In this assignment, you will create two paragraphs that discuss the issue using quotes from both authors to help exemplify what they are saying. You may want to create a first paragraph that addresses how each author feels about the issue, and a second paragraph that outlines their solution to the problem. The key in this assignment is practicing using direct quotes and paraphrasing when multiple authors are part of the conversation. It is important that you make it very clear which of the two authors are speaking and what portion of the sentence is from their own words by placing it in quotes. You will need to paraphrase and put into your own words the portions that are not direct quotes.
In each paragraph, make sure you integrate at least two direct quotes from each author (include a page number at the end of the sentence). Each paragraph will have at least FOUR direct quotes.
Don’t begin a sentence with a quote.
Formally introduce each author and the name of the article when you first mention them. Refer to them by their last names afterwards.
Put the name of the publishing entity in italics.
Don’t add quotes that are longer than two lines in the paragraph. Only include the necessary points when providing a quote.
Make sure you bridge the ideas of the sources so that they make sense from one sentence to the other.