HELLO henryyy! You have work with me forseveral homework/assignments nowI have this two essays that you work on that need revision/editing ! teacher wrote notes on the parts the need to be edited in blue if u want to check them out.. I WILL APPRECIATE IT alot if u work on this . u have never dissapoint me on other assignments I hope we can keep it the same.


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Professor Moore
English 102
Immigration and Cultural Conflict
Immigration has its fair share of challenges for the immigrants who are coming from one
cultural background to another. For the case of the Chinese and the Irish, the fact that they are
from two different races makes the two groups have striking differences in the culture especially
regarding gender roles; child up bring as well as marriage. As opposed to having a structured
culture whereby, the man is the head of the family, and all other people look up to him, the
Americans exercise freedom, and it is not uncommon to have career women as the sole
breadwinners what are you citing and why are you using a source in the intro? (Agarwal and
Lenka 6). Immigrants moving from an Asian region where there is strict observance of discipline
for children, with the ladies being the home makers and their men breadwinners are likely to get
into a cultural conflict when they move to the American set up. And? what about this conflict?
The thesis is not quite complete.
Critical Analysis
Reversal of Family Roles- why are you using sub headings as that is APA formatting and we are
using MLA formatting.
Where is the set up for the paragraph? It takes 2-3 sentences to set up a body paragraph.
From the short story, Who’s Irish, Natalie, the Chinese, who is married to John, the Irish, is a
career woman having an executive position in a big company. However, it is interesting to
observe that Natalie is the one financially supporting the family and she has no right to challenge
her husband to look for employment. The cultural conflict regarding gender roles comes in when
John as an Irish man reserves the right not to be questioned about his non-employment and
should be supported to keep his manly fitness, yet according to Natalie’s mother, the Irish men
should be aggressive like the Chinese. In Jen (1) what is this???????, John had no job and “could
not take care of Sophie either,” based on the Chinese culture, John, as a head of the family was
responsible for putting meals on the table as well as taking care of his daughter, Sophie.
However, for the Irish culture, John was considered superior even without a job and the defense
used for him in Jen ( what is not MLA formatting for citations 2) is, “because he is man.” What
is this quote doing here? Further, John is supported by the wife to go to the “gym to be a man.”
There is a cultural conflict as to who should take care of family responsibilities as well as the
credit, despite Natalie working so hard to support his jobless husband, he still takes the credit and
does not take up the role of supporting his family as Chinese fathers do.
In the Chinse culture, when children grow up, they are responsible for their aging
mothers and should take care of them to return the favor of being brought up. However, there is a
cultural conflict in the reversal of roles between the mother and the child when the Irish culture
is compared to the Chinese one. According to Jen (2), in China, “daughter take care of the
mother,” while in the Irish culture, it is the other way round. However, for the Irish culture,
Natalie’s mother is surprised as she becomes the babysitter and takes care of the daughter’s
family. The cultural conflict is further evidenced when Natalie’s mother states in Jen (2) that in
China, there is no word like, “supportive.” An aging mother cannot be ‘supportive’ of her young
daughter since such a terminology does not exist. However, having mother’s ‘supporting’ their
children in the Irish culture is quite normal (Jeffers 12). Therefore, there is a reversal in the role
that elderly parents have to play when a comparison is made between the Irish and Chinese
culture, which results in a conflict, especially from Natalie’s mother perspective.
Talent Nurturing vs. Facing Reality
Cultural conflict is evident in the Irish way of approaching life regarding motivation and
what one is good at in contrast with the Chinese way of facing reality and addressing the
strengths and weaknesses of an individual. According to the Irish, one should focus on their
talent and give it preference; however, in the Chinese culture people should address their
strengths and weaknesses. In Jen (4), Natalie says that the help is creative as she plays guitar but
according to Natalie’s mother, “creative” is not a word talked about in China. As such, Natalie’s
mother fails to understand why playing guitar by the babysitter should be given much focus
while her strengths and weaknesses in other aspects of life are ignored.
Mode of Dressing
The Chinese culture is quite conservative in how one should be dressed, and it is
important to ensure that one is covered up all the time. Natalie’s mother states in Jen (4), that she
“cannot look at Amy” as her shirt is extremely short and her belly button shows. Based on the
Chinese culture, one is expected to show very little skin, and it was, therefore, difficult for
Natalie’s mother to stare at the revealing dressing of the help. In addition to this, Amy is of
negative influence to Natalie’s child in terms of dressing, which makes Natalie’s mother
dissatisfied. While in the park, Amy allows the boys to tease the child, In Jen (4), the boys tell
the child to turn around, “Let’s see that ass”,; although Amy sees it as a joke, the child’s
grandmother knows it’s a sexual insinuation especially because the child is not dressed up, as
such, the grandmother says no to that teasing.
In conclusion, cultural conflict is evident in the short story, short story titles are not in
italics Who’s Irish, this essay is not about the story so do not mention the story in the conclusion
and apparent through reversal of parental roles, marriage roles, mode of dressing and talents. The
Chinese are preservative, hard working and they tend to have a conservative approach to
dressing. On the other hand, the Irish culture recognizes men as the head of the family regardless
of whether they can meet the family needs, it is more open-minded about life and gives everyone
the freedom to dress how they please.
I am lost with the way you are citing ( ) sources.
You are not following MLA rules.
Read the model essay again and revise all the citations here to follow MLA rules.
You cannot write a critical analysis of the story.
You are writing an essay that explores and issue in society that the story touches on.
Revise this and submit as draft 2.
Works Cited
Agarwal, Sucheta, and Usha Lenka. “Study on work-life balance of women entrepreneurs–
review and research agenda.” Industrial and Commercial Training 47.7 (2015): 356-362.
Jen, Gish. Who’s Irish?: Stories. Vintage, 2012. Internet resource. Print
Jeffers, Jennifer. The Irish Novel at the End of the Twentieth Century: Gender, Bodies and
Power. Springer, 2016.
English 102-710
Teenage Perceptions
Teenage life is seen to have many challenges, but according to teenagers, they never give a
thought of outgrowing this kind of life. There are different challenges that they are likely to face
and this is due to the different stages in life that necessitate for the change in the atmosphere.
There are different preparations made in the teenage stage as there is anticipation on the next
stage that an individual takes and this means that it is important that there is the focus on the
issues that affect teenagers. There is the change in perception at this stage as the view towards
life changes and the things that used to matter previously become different in the teenage years.
Teenage men often see and judge others harshly and are demeaning as they look around them,
but in reality, they possessed a warped perception of everyone around them as being followers
and broken in reality they no more independent and flawless as those that they are quick to
Handling teenagers is not easy as their perception towards life changes, and they get to
experience life on their own. There is the need to tackle the issues that they feel are hard and in
many cases, the teenage boys want to be recognized in the different areas that they choose. There
is the struggle for individuality and the need to be unique and this in most cases leads to them
contradicting what they stand for. It makes them appear judgmental in the various issues that
they face and this in many cases could be destructive. It is evident in the “A&P” story where
Lengel judges the girls to be indecently dressed and Quennie the girl that is being addressed
responds, “We are decent” (Porter 1155 this has to be Updike and the page number. Read the
model essay again ). There are instances of being judgmental that tend to cloud the thinking of
the teenagers and these results to making bad decisions. Add another 2-3 sentences about 2017
American life.
The difficulty that the teenage men portray tends to affect their relations with the
different people in the society. It affects their communication methods, as there is the focus on
the specific issues that affect their lives. They have a view of having too much power, and this
means that they can control the various aspects of their lives. It is evident in the “A&P” story
where there is the argument of the decency of the girls and Lengel affirms that they cannot shop
if they are indecent. He explains, “You never know for sure how girls’ minds work (do you really
think it’s a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?)” quotes are not in italics
(this has to be Updike and the page number. Read the model essay again Porter1155). It shows
the need to be in control of the different situations that are taking place without the proper
assessment of the right thing to do. In the dealing with the teenagers particularly when they show
their difficulty nature, it is important not to act on impulse as it ends up worsening the situations.
It becomes necessary to set the boundaries of interaction, as it is through this that there is the
focus on the power extent and the various issues that are likely to cause conflict when dealing
with the teenagers. Setting boundaries mean that the communication set out and the actions
should be similar as it is through this that there is respect for the people in authority. Depending
on the situation at hand, deliberations on the extent of power are made as they help in setting the
strategies right in dealing with the teenagers.
There is evidence of anxiety in the social life, and this affects the judgment of the teenage
men as they find that their behavior is not challenging as expected. Teenager dislikes feeling left
out on the different issues that they engage, and this means that there is a link between the
development of the brain and their emotions at the adolescent stage. It is evident in A&P where
Sammy does not want to be left out in the decisions that affect the girls. They analyze their
behavior and judge them based on their actions (this has to be Updike and the page number.
Read the model essay again Porter 1156). The judgmental behavior caused by anxiety tends to
subside as the teenagers assume responsibility and control in their reasoning towards the various
issues that they face in life. Lengel in his line of duty tells the girls When you integrate quotes
you have to create context in terms of the part that you create that integrates the quotes. You
have two jobs to do here; one job is to make sure that you create a grammatical construction that
is correct in terms of its grammar; the other job is to look at what you wrote before the quote and
what you wrote after the quote when you unpacked/ explained it. Then you have to create a part
of the sentence that fits with the quote grammatically and contextually fits with the point you are
making at that time in the essay. The part you create is called the tag or the lead and its job is to
keep the flow of the writing and create context in terms of where the discussion is coming from
and heading towards. This takes attention, concentration and practice on your terms to make this
work. “Girls, I don’t want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders
covered. It’s our policy” (this has to be Updike and the page number. Read the model essay
again Porter 1158). It shows the stern authority in standing up to his responsibilities. There are
different perspectives towards the thinking process of teenagers, and this is important as it shows
their troubles and the reasoning and the determination of the facts on their vulnerabilities. Add
another 2-3 sentences about 2017 American life.
There are different roles that parents play in ensuring that their children do not struggle in
their teenage years and this is important as it ensures that they assume their responsibility in their
teenage years. The teenage men at this time want to assume their responsibility, and there is the
perception of remaining superior as compared to the ladies and this means that they tend to
overlook the efforts that the women make. It is important to ensure that there is guidance on the
different issues that they face and the creation of an understanding of the diverse issues that they
are likely to face. The judgmental aspect of the men makes them analyze the ladies and in
particular on the features of their bodies and this at times appears as sexist comments. It is
evident in the “A&P” where the narrators says When you integrate quotes you have to create
context in terms of the part that you create that integrates the quotes. You have two jobs to do
here; one job is to make sure that you create a grammatical construction that is correct in terms
of its grammar; the other job is to look at what you wrote before the quote and what you wrote
after the quote when you unpacked/ explained it. Then you have to create a part of the sentence
that fits with the quote grammatically and contextually fits with the point you are making at that
time in the essay. The part you create is called the tag or the lead and its job is to keep the flow
of the writing and create context in terms of where the discussion is coming from and heading
towards. This takes attention, concentration and practice on your terms to make this work.
There was this chunky one, with the two-piece — it was bright green, and the
seams on the bra were still sharp, and her belly was still pretty pale, so I guessed
she just got it (the suit) — there was this one, with one of those chubby berryfaces, the lips all bunched together under her nose, this one, and a tall one, with
black hair that hadn’t quite frizzed right, and one of these sunburns right across
under the eyes, and a chin that was too long — you know, the kind of girl other
girls think is very “striking” and “attractive” but never quite makes it, as they very
well know, which is why they like her so much — and then the third one, that
wasn’t quite so tall” (this has to be Updike and the page number. Read the model
essay again Porter 1158).
There is focus is on their image, and this shows that there is judgment on the clothing of the
girls without the consideration of the men behavior towards the ladies. a long quote needs more
discussion than this. Add another 2-3 sentences about 2017 American life.
Self-image is a trend that is seen in the teenage men and this in most cases tends to
explain the behavior that they exhibit. It I necessary that there if the focus on issues that affect
the development of the needs of the teenagers as it is through this that they gain an understanding
on the stage that they are undergoing. It helps in boosting their confidence and giving them to the
ability to stand for themselves in the different situations without appearing superior to the others.
It is evident in the “A&P” where Lengel tells Sammy, “You’ll feel this for the rest of your life,”
(Porter 1158). Do not mention the story in the conclusion at all. It implies that he had to focus
on his appearance. It ensures that they respect one another and gather the courage to address the
crucial conditions that affect the functioning of the different institutions in the society.
This is fine for a draft.
You need more explanation that takes the discussion beyond the story and into 2017 America.
Fully explain the quotes in a way that supports the thesis and make the discussion relevant from
1960’s to 2017 once you add them.
If you need more time between revision and submission on Connect, don’t worry as I can extend
the date.
Review MLA rules for quotes and block quotes.
This is MLA formatting.
Where is the work cited?
Review MLA rules for ( ) citations.
Like this but not this date.
Work Cited
Updike, John. “A&P.” tiger-town.com. Accessed: 28 Aug. 2016. Web
Work Cited
Porter, M. Gilbert. “John Updike’s” A&P”: The Establishment and an Emersonian Cashier.” The
English Journal 61.8 (1972): 1155-1158.

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