Issues & Policies in Early Care and Education Fall 2019 
Name: Kisha Baker Research 
Title: Teaching Methods for Non-Verbal Children
Date: Sept. 26, 2019
1. Clear Statement of Research Question: 
– The question I am studying is What is being used for children who are non-verbal to help them communicate? This study will determine if the recent teaching methods for kids who are non-verbal during young is being effective for them in the long run. The study will also look into new teaching methods being practiced and their data that’s been collected so far and how effective it can be or if it’s not effective at all.
2. Project Goal and Objectives:
– One goal of this study is to learn the methods being used in early childhood classes now for nonverbal kids and seeing how effective it is for every child. Another goal is to learn what practices are being tested now and are the results successful. My last goal is to know how many kids grow up being non-verbal for the rest of their life and are there anyways for them to overcome being non-verbal in their young adult to elder years.
3. Background/Statement of the Problem/Significance of the Project:
When we consider learning disorders, we will, in general, consider dyslexia and different issue including language—that is, kids who experience difficulty deciphering the language and figuring out how to peruse.  Be that as it may, there is another, less notable kind of Nonverbal that is not about verbal correspondence—subsequently, it’s called non-verbal Nonverbal. You’ll see it alluded to as NVLD or NLD. Is anything but an official analysis like ADHD and chemical autism—in truth numerous children who have non-verbal learning difficulties have those determinations. However, specialists state concentrating on NLD clarifies what’s going on with children—and how to enable them to adapt—superior to those analyses. 
Numerous children are brought into the world with Those with a realized hereditary issue like Down syndrome or with chemical autism are late talkers. However, kids who are late talkers are those that are ordinarily growing typically. As it were, they have run of the mill hearing, vision, engine, and intellectual abilities. Everything else is by all accounts fine, yet for reasons unknown, language is a territory that is delayed. Kids with autism are regularly late talkers however not every late talker has autism. The meaning of a late talker we’re talking about here suggests that the youngster has regular intellectual, social, vision, and hearing aptitudes. Children on the autism spectrum are frequently often late to say their first words, but they also have social engagement issues and cognitive delays.
4.  Experimental/Project Design :
Step 1:  
Step 2: 
Step 3: 
Step 4: 
Step 5: 
Step 6: 
Step 7: 
5.  Project Timeline 
Week 2 Develop a problem statement 
Week 3 Write goals and objectives. Describe anticipated results and dissemination 
Week 4 Research background on the topic and significance of topic. Write a summary for Research Proposal and References 
Week 5 Plan experimental design. Create a timeline. Write a personal statement 
Week 6 Submit Research Proposal. 
Timeline for Research Project 
Week 7 Begin research 
Week 8 Continue research 
Week 9 Write introduction and description of research 
Week 10 Describe results, format data, and write a conclusion for the paper 
Week 11 Write abstract and format paper 
Week 12 Finalize research paper, presentation, and handouts 
Week 13 Research Paper Due Presentations begin
6. Anticipated Results/Final Products and Dissemination:
– The final results will be shared in an oral presentation to colleagues. A handout will also be created to show the statics found during the research with a brief paragraph to parents on how they can do to help with keeping their kids from being non-verbal for the rest of their life.
7. Student’s Personal Statement :
This topic is to personal interest to me because I have a brother who is autistic and mentally challenged. He is non-verbal and I’ve never seen an improvement in hs talking or any form of communication taught. I know its frustrating to him sometimes knowing that you’re not heard and no one can understand what you’re saying when you’re asking for something or trying to tell them something. I wish he had some form of communication but I want to know if it will never change or that there are success stories out there. I know it starts from young so I wonder what was being used to help him try and have a form of communication went he was in daycare, pre-K or kindergarten or was it not really the main focus? so many questions, lots of articles giving me answers.
8.  Project References:       
Harris, S. L. (1975). Teaching language to nonverbal children-with emphasis on problems of       generalization. Psychological Bulletin, 82(4), 565-580.
Koegel, R.L., O’Dell, M.C. & Koegel, L.K. J Autism Dev Disord (1987)