Hi,Urgent help needed to get this assignment in tonight by 10:00 PM EST. Please note that my school will be utilizing an originality verification checker. Therefore, please do not just copy and paste otherwise I will be cited for a plagiarized paper. I have attached the questions. I am not sure if you will need access to any of my course materials or not if so, please let me know and I will get them to you. I am currently at a conference, but will do my very best to get the information to you as soon as possible. I really need the help as this needs to be submitted tonight 9/28/16.Thanks for your help!Noturavggrl

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Guided Notes: Learning
Have these handy as you watch the video lectures and read your textbook. As you work
through the information, answer each question/item fully. All details are important
because these are a study guide for you.
1. What are three major types of learning?
2. Describe Pavlov’s classic experiment. Label the following in your description:
a. Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
b. Unconditioned Response (UR)
c. Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
d. Conditioned Response (CR)
e. Neutral Stimulus (NS)
3. Describe how extinction works in classical conditioning.
4. Explain three factors that strengthen conditioned responses.
5. Who is considered the father of behaviorism and how did he take Pavlov’s principles one step
6. Explain the “Little Albert” experiment. Label the following in your description:
a. Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
b. Unconditioned Response (UR)
c. Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
d. Conditioned Response (CR)
e. Neutral Stimulus (NS)
7. How can principles of classical conditioning explain the following:
a. Phobias
b. Drug cravings
c. Taste aversions
8. Explain Garcia’s taste aversion experiment.
9. Explain the differences between classical and operant conditioning.
10. What is Thorndike’s Law of Effect and how did his cat experiments result in such a law?
11. How does a Skinner box work?
12. Define the following and give and example of each:
a. Reinforcement
i. Positive reinforcement
ii. Negative reinforcement
b. Punishment
13. Give examples of primary and secondary reinforcers.
14. Describe the process of shaping and give an example.
15. What is the difference between continuous and partial reinforcement? When is one more
effective than another?
16. Give examples for the following reinforcement schedules:
a. FR
b. VR
c. FI
d. VI
17. What are drawbacks of punishment, especially physical punishment?
18. Explain the following statement: “Punishment does not teach new behaviors.”
19. What is more effective than punishment alone?
20. What are three types of cognitive learning? Give an example for each.

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