Description3 pages, pleaseWriting prompts in Introductory Psychology: Points 100Essential Elements:Select a prompt; It carries 100 points; the length of the essay need to be minimum of 3 pages to maximum 5 pages.References need to be added at the end of the paper. (Points will be subtracted if references are not included)Format:1. Introduction of the topic, 2.Discussion points with supporting information from references,3. your own point of view of the subject. 4.The conclusion of the topic with analysis 5. Reference sectioncomponents to be present in the essay for scoring:Development of Ideas: 1- 50 pointsFocus and Coherence: 1- 20 pointsOrganization: 1-10 pointsMechanics: 1-10 pointsVoice: 1-10 points (your opinion/thoughts/ideas on the subject; voicing your opinion is completely different from the information you got from the other sources)Time Frame for posting Grade: After 15 days of submission!(1) Introduction to PsychologyJake has become very anxious ever since he started taking harder classes in his major. TheUniversity’s counselor diagnosed him with an anxiety disorder. Compare and contrast how theBehavioral, humanistic, and cognitive approaches would view the origins and treatment of Jake’s anxiety. Then, describe how each of the three approaches is viewed by psychologists today.(1) Research MethodsImagine you have been asked to create an experimental design to test the hypothesis that talking on a cell phone impairs driving skills. Explain why a control condition would be important to include in testing this hypothesis. How should subjects be assigned to conditions? How can the researchers design the experiment so that the only difference between both conditions is the use of a cell phone?(2) Biological PsychologyYour best friends invite you over for pizza and a friendly game of cards. Describe how theFollowing parts of the brain are involved during your evening of eating pizza, socializing, andPlaying cards: Broca’s area, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and occipital lobe.(9) Motivation and EmotionImagine you are walking alone late at night and hear footsteps behind you. Think about youremotional reaction to this situation. Consider the major theories of emotion: James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, and Schacter-Singer theory. From the perspective of these major theories of emotion, describe how each would predict the sequence of events that would occur as you experience a reaction to this situation.(11) Health and StressImagine a friend has just lost his job which helped him cover tuition costs. Apply Lazarus andFolkman’s cognitive theory of stress and describe his potential reactions to this job loss. In youranswer, be sure to describe the following: Stressful Event; Primary Appraisal; SecondaryAppraisal; Stress Response.(12) Social PsychologyDiscuss the factors that contribute to prejudice and discrimination in the present day society. Identify some techniques forreducing the development of prejudice and discrimination. Discuss how effective these techniques will be as solutions.(4) ConsciousnessYou have been coming back to the dorm at all hours of the night, disrupting your sleep. Describe a typical night’s sleep cycle and then describe how your sleep deprivation impacts your ability to learn and your health. What are the latest research findings regarding importance of sleep.(5) LearningImagine you are asked by a roommate to help him devise a weight loss program to increase hischances of making the football team. Create a one month behavior modification program basedon the principles of operant conditioning which will get him started towards his goal. Be sure todescribe how you will measure your roommate’s progress and what schedules of reinforcementwill be included in your program.(6) MemoryYou are reading your textbook and studying for an upcoming exam in psychology. Identify anddescribe each step in the process required for remembering information from your textbook inorder to do well on the exam. Discuss various strategies for improving memory and provide an example of how it could help you on the exam.(7) IntelligenceProvide real-world examples for the following types of intelligences as theorized byGardner: verbal/linguistic, body-kinesthetic (movement), and logical/mathematical.Explain why each example represents one of the types of intelligence. Present some ofthe arguments critics have offered against Gardner’s research.(7) Cognition1. Maria’s method of studying worked effectively throughout high school until she took her firstforeign language course. In this course, her grades were much lower than usual. How mightmental set have played a role in Maria’s academic problem?2. How might you determine whether flute-playing ability is a highly heritable trait? If you want toimprove your flute playing and someone tells you that musical ability is heritable, should youstop practicing?(13) PersonalityDescribe the four major theories of personality (psychodynamic, trait or five-factor model,humanistic, and social-cognitive) and identify advantages and disadvantages of each theory with examples.(14) Disorders and Therapy1.Compare and contrast the following forms of psychotherapy: cognitive, humanistic, andbehavioral. Identify the focus of each approach as well as areas of agreement and difference.2.Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa….discuss the factors leading to these disorders and the role of society in general for precipitating these disorders. Discuss with examples from the real life situations from society at large.Copy right © 2016, 2012, 2009 Pearson Education Inc. All rights Reserved.Courtesy: Instructor’s Resource Manual for Psychology, 4e