Week 3 Quiz
Question 1
What age do children usually begin receiving the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)?
8 years
11 years
13 years
15 years
Question 2
When can a child stop using a booster seat in the car?
When the child is at least 4’9” tall.
When the child is at least 5’ tall.
When the child is at least 4’ tall.
When the child is at least 3’ tall.
Question 3
A 13-year-old client diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis 2 weeks ago is in your office today c/o abdominal pain to the upper left quadrant, is febrile and tired. Based on the client’s recent history, what is the best intervention?
Prescribe Salicylates for the fever
Refer to Gastroenterology
Prescribe antibiotics
Refer to Emergency Services
Question 4
An established 14-year-old client who recently returned from camp presents to the clinic c/o chills, severe headache, myalgias, malaise, GI upset/tenderness, diarrhea, cough, conjunctival injection, and a fever. On exam, the provider notes a rash of faint pink spots on the wrists, forearms, ankles, and the trunk. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Question 5
A client with chickenpox who cannot stop itching presents to the clinic requesting relief. What can the provider do to help this client? (select all that apply)
Prescribe calamine lotion
Prescribe oral antihistamines
Prescribe Salicylates
Recommend oatmeal baths
Question 6
An infant can complete hand-to-hand transfers at what age?
90 days
120 days
7 months
11 months
Question 7
Which is the most appropriate anticipatory guidance for the child diagnosed with fracture through the growth plate?
No sports until pain has resolved
Use crutches to ambulate until healed
Rest, ice, compress and elevate the affected area
Exercise affected area using active range-of-motion exercises
Question 8
The provider learns that the family of a client recently rescued a cat from the outside. To prevent the risk of toxoplasmosis, which anticipatory guidance is most appropriate?
Feed cat well balanced and high-quality food.
Wear shoes at all times in the home.
Thoroughly wash hands after changing cat litter.
Bath cat on a bi-weekly basis
Question 9
A 9-day-old client presents to the clinic who is sluggish, has a temperature of 97°F, HR 105, cool extremities, and loss of appetite, presents to the clinic. What should the provider do?
Recommend parents to allow the client to sleep
Reassure parents that this is normal and client will return to baseline in 7 days
Recommend formula feeding
Refer to ER to rule out sepsis
Question 10
The provider understands that a client with a history of hemolytic anemia and a recent diagnosis of erythema infectiosum (fifth disease), is at risk for which complication?
Papular-purpuric “gloves and socks” syndrome
Chronic Infection
Aplastic crisis