NR447 RN Collaborative Healthcare
Week 3 Discussion
Conflict and Collaboration
CO2 Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building. (PO 3)
CO3 Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO 7)
Please watch the video and listen to the dialogue before posting.
Frightened Nurse
At times the needs of our families conflict with our work responsibilities. Could this possibly be the underlying issue here?
Explain the conflict resolution skills displayed by the leader in the scenario. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate those of the leader.
How might earlier collaboration have been beneficial?
Some organizations utilize non Registered Nurses in the Case Manager role. What additional skills, knowledge and attributes would the BSN-prepared Registered Nurse bring to case management in this scenario?