Rules are a vital part of a successful multiparty negotiation. For this week’s assignment you are to create a list of 10 rules that you will enforce as a third-party neutral in a multiparty negotiation. For each rule, include a description of the rule, how it will be used, and why you included it in the list.

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So far, we studied negotiations that only contain two parties. You planned and strategized for a conflict
dealing with only one other party. Not all conflicts or negotiations involve only one other party. Often times
in workplace conflicts or negotiations, you will deal with multiple parties. Multiple parties offer challenges
such as differing attitudes, personalities, agendas, etc. Every time a new party is added to the mix, the
chances increase formiscommunication and parties feeling as though they are not being heard. Each
party feels as though their issue is the most important and wants to ensure that the others hear their side
or issues.
If parties feel as though they are not being heard, then this leads to another issue: information gathering .
You previously learned the importance of gathering as much information from the other party so that
together you could work towards the all-important win-win in an integrative negotiation or so that you have
the facts necessary to negotiate for an advantage in a distributive negotiation. All of the parties come to
the table with the expectation of being heard. The problem then becomes: How do you “hear” all of the
parties when dealing with multiple individuals and issues?
Preparing for a multiparty negotiation mirrors that of preparing for a traditional two party negotiation, but
with an emphasis on maintaining order and creating rules so that it is a fair playing field. A third-party
neutral should be nominated to orchestrate the process. This person will enforce the rules and maintain
order as best as possible when dealing with multiple people at the table. This will help to alleviate parties
from being excluded or from a party or parties from dominating the conversation. The neutral will also
help to remind the parties to focus on the problems and not the people. This will alleviate some of the
emotional issues that coincide with negotiations.
Once the third party neutral is in place, the next step is to create a negotiation agenda. The agenda states
the goals of the meeting so that the parties can track their progress and mark off issues they resolved or
need to resolve. This will help to focus the parties and keep them on track. When multiple parties meet it
is easy for them to start discussing issues that are not vital to the issues of the day. Multiple parties can
present challenges, but they also offer the opportunity for a variety of a people to look at an issue from
different perspectives and offer diverse resolutions. By having a neutral in place with a solid plan for rules
and order, the parties will be able to have a beneficial meeting.

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