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question: Most of us have heard or read about differences in other countries and cultures. Many of our classmates may be from other countries and cultures. Discuss some of these differences and how they affect business. 
students reply
Business management styles differ from country to country. A management style which is valued in European countries may be ineffective in the Philippines. You may have noticed how Filipinos often address their subordinates using their first name which is considered as a normal gesture in the Philippines. But this will be perceived as impolite in European countries. Many business leaders today share similar values as well as leadership styles. Nevertheless, we should note that management styles differ across countries because of the influence of political changes, the level of mobility, market globalization and the technological progress. Additionally, management styles also depend on the level of education, economic development, corporate culture and available technology. The conventional management style may vanish in time as globalization progresses and more and more businesses deal with multiple cultures and countries. Communication and value of time also play an important part due to differences in culture.
Bartolome, A. (2017, June 30). Business Mentor: How Cultural Differences Affect Doing Business. Retrieved from
Rothaermel, F. T. (2019). Strategic management. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Our Story. Retrieved from