Can you please assist me with these questions? about 200 words with references below each questions.

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1. Why can package dependencies be a major problem in Linux? What are some of the ways to address
dependency issues?
2. The usermod command is used to change a Linux user account settings. There are a few of parmeters (ex.
“-l” to change the user name) require considerations before using with the usermod command. Discuss a
specific parameter you would used with the usermod and what you need to consider either before or after
applying your usermod. Also, provide an example of your usermod command including the parameter.
3. When creating user account using useradd how is the default group determined? Is there a default group
users are added automatically unless specified in the useradd command ? Does the default group behavior
vary between RedHat and Ubuntu?
4. How do you block a kernel module from loading? Why would you want to do this?
5. What are some of the tools you can use to tune or correct a Linux filesystem?
6. The ps command is use to list process running on your Linux system. Provide five examples using
the ps command. Make sure at least one of them is a good use of a redirection or a pipe ( | ).
7. Discuss the significant advantages using NTP has over manually setting time using date command. Is the
NTP service running by default on Linux? If not, how can you start it?
Discuss what is SSH and the advantages and disadvantages of using it on your Linux distribution.
Also discuss how to control ssh access and how you configure this service.
10. Discuss how you would configure your Linux distribution to perform name resolution using DNS
11. Discuss how you would use the lsof command. Provide some command examples
12. Please provide one example of a Linux Based (i.e. router, hypervisor, appliance, etc.) system. Provide a
brief product description, use, and function.

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