reflect on Carr’s article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (It might be a good idea to re-read the discussion at this point, so it is fresh in your mind.) Freewrite at least 300 words on any or all of the following questions: What positions came up in our discussion? What major points did your classmates make? What kinds of supporting reasons and evidence were provided? In other words, what were the arguments?Group the arguments into loose camps or sides. If you had to summarize our discussion to an outsider, what would you say?What points from Carr’s article did the class seem to generally agree upon? What points from Carr’s article were most controversial? What were the sticking points, or the points of concern?Were there sentences or phrases from Carr’s article that multiple classmates quoted or referred to? If so, what were they?What was your position on Carr’s article?How did you own perspective change as a result of our discussion?