Complete module 5 and dícussion board for the week

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FAS 201 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: Throughout this course, you have been practicing the skills you will need to produce your final essay. In various discussion posts, you have learned to
analyze formal qualities of works of art, recognize common themes between visual and literary works, and appreciate how these themes are expressed in
contemporary culture. In Milestone One, you drafted the introduction for the essay you will eventually submit as your final project.
For Milestone Two, you will compose a rough draft of your essay. Provide as many details as possible, addressing each of the following major headings:
Introduction, Historical Background, Similarities/Differences, and Modern Influence. Your conclusion (Section V) will not be included in your rough draft. You will
add the conclusion to your final essay, due in Module Seven.
Prompt: Apply the feedback you received on Milestone One to form a thorough introduction, and compose a rough draft of your essay.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. For each work, identify the author/artist, the name or title of the work, the date, the cultural origin or period of creation, and the current
location or physical setting.
B. What is your main argument/idea about the relationship between your selected works and their shared theme?
Historical Background
A. What is the relationship between each of your chosen works and culture of origin?
B. How did cultural traditions and ideologies influence/shape the two works you have selected? Use examples to support your response.
A. In what similar ways do your selected artist and author approach the shared theme found in their respective works? Provide specific examples
to support your response.
B. In what different ways do your selected artist and author approach the shared theme found in their respective works? Provide specific examples
to support your response.
C. How does each work express its specific cultural and historical setting? Provide specific examples to support your response.
D. How have the similarities and differences you identified come to represent the culture in which these works were created? Provide specific
examples to support your response.
Modern Influence
A. What impacts or influence have your two selected works had on a modern or contemporary expression of the identified shared theme?
B. How has each work continued to influence or define contemporary culture? Use examples to support your response.
C. What can we learn today from the works selected and their culture, taking into consideration the idea that history tends to repeat itself?
Provide specific examples to support your response.
D. Identify examples of modern and contemporary events or ideals that echo the theme of the works you have selected to discuss. Provide a
rationale for your choices. For example, Ajax and Achilles Playing a Dice Game illustrates two soldiers as they compete in a dice game and
mentally prepare for war. Based on this, one could ask, “How do we prepare today’s military for battle both physically and mentally?”
E. How have the works you selected come to serve as archetypes for the theme you have identified as a commonality? Provide examples to
support your response.
F. What parallels do you see between the contemporary world and the culture that produced the works you selected?
Your overall submission should be professionally articulate. The “Articulation of Response” critical element is not a section of your paper but rather how
professional and clear you are in articulating your ideas. (This includes proper formatting and citation of sources.)
Guidelines for Submission: Submit a draft of the Introduction, Historical Background, Similarities/Differences, and Modern Influence sections of your essay,
including all critical elements. Your draft should be 3 to 5 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and should use double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your draft essay should include at least 4 scholarly sources, cited in MLA format.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Introduction: Author/Artist
Proficient (100%)
Comprehensively identifies both works,
including the author/artist, name or title,
date/period, and the cultural location or
physical setting
Introduction: Argument/Idea Discusses the main argument/idea about
the relationship between selected works
and the chosen theme
Historical Background:
Historical Background:
Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%)
Identifies both works, but response does Does not identify both works
not cover all elements specified in the
Discusses the main argument/idea about
the relationship between selected works
and the chosen theme, but discussion is
cursory or illogical
Explains the relationship between each
Explains the relationship between each
chosen work and its respective culture or chosen work and its respective culture or
origin, but explanation is cursory or
contains inaccuracies
Determines how each respective
Determines how each respective
culture’s traditions and ideologies
culture’s traditions and ideologies
influenced/shaped the chosen works,
influenced/shaped the chosen works, but
using examples to support response
determination is cursory or illogical or
does not use examples to support
Does not discuss the main argument/idea
about the relationship between the
selected works and the chosen theme
Does not explain the relationship between
each chosen work and its respective culture
or origin
Does not determine how each respective
culture’s traditions and ideologies
influenced/shaped the chosen works
Discusses the similarities in the ways the
selected artist and author approached
the shared theme found in their
respective work, providing specific
examples to support response
Discusses the similarities in the ways the
selected artist and author approached
the shared theme found in their
respective work, but discussion is
cursory, contains inaccuracies, or does
not provide examples to support
Discusses the differences in the ways the Discusses the differences in the ways the
selected artist and author approached
selected artist and author approached
the shared theme found in their
the shared theme found in their
respective work, providing specific
respective work, but discussion is
examples to support response
cursory, contains inaccuracies, or does
not provide examples to support
Determines how each selected work
Determines how each selected work
expresses its specific cultural and
expresses its specific cultural and
historical setting, providing specific
historical setting, but determination is
examples to support response
cursory or illogical or does not provide
specific examples to support response
Determines how the similarities and
Determines how the similarities and
differences identified have come to
differences identified have come to
represent the respective cultures,
represent the respective cultures, but
providing specific examples to support
determination is cursory or illogical or
does not provide examples to support
Modern Influence: Expression Discusses the impacts or influence the
Discusses the impacts or influence the
two selected works have had on a
two selected works have had on a
modern or contemporary expression of modern or contemporary expression of
the identified shared theme
the identified shared theme, but
discussion is cursory, lacks clarity, or
contains inaccuracies
Modern Influence: Influence Determines how the work of each
Determines how the work of each
or Define
respective creator continues to influence respective creator continues to influence
or define contemporary culture, using
or define contemporary culture, but
examples to support response
determination is cursory or illogical or
does not use examples to support
Does not discuss the similarities in the ways
the selected artist and author approached
the shared theme found in their respective
Does not discuss the differences in the ways
the selected artist and author approached
the shared theme found in their respective
Does not determine how each selected
work expresses its specific cultural and
historical setting
Does not determine how the similarities
and differences identified have come to
represent the respective cultures
Does not discuss the impacts or influence
the two selected works have had on a
modern or contemporary expression of the
identified shared theme
Does not determine how the work of each
respective creator continues to influence or
define contemporary culture
Modern Influence: Learn
Discusses what can be learned today
from the works selected and their
specific cultures, providing examples to
support response
Discusses what can be learned today
from the works selected and their
specific cultures, but discussion is
cursory, lacks clarity, contains
inaccuracies, or does not provide
examples to support response
Modern Influence: Echo
Identifies examples of modern and
Identifies examples of modern and
contemporary events or ideals that echo contemporary events or ideals that echo
the theme of the selected works and
the theme of the selected works, but not
provides a rationale for choices
all examples accurately reflect the
theme, or there is no rationale for
Modern Influence: Archetypes Explains how the works selected have
Explains how the works selected have
come to serve as archetypes for the
come to serve as archetypes for the
common identified theme, providing
common identified theme, but
examples to support response
explanation is cursory, lacks clarity,
contains inaccuracies, or does not
provide examples to support response
Modern Influence: Parallels Discusses parallels between the
Discusses parallels between the
contemporary world and those cultures contemporary world and those cultures
that produced the selected works
that produced the selected works, but
discussion is cursory, or comparisons
made are illogical
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related
Submission has major errors related to
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas
Does not discuss what can be learned today
from the works selected and their specific
Does not identify examples of modern and
contemporary events or ideals that echo
the theme of the selected works
Does not explain how the works selected
have come to serve as archetypes for the
common identified theme
Does not discuss parallels between the
contemporary world and those cultures
that produced the selected works
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding of

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