Multi National Companies (MNCs) can be distinguished on the ways in which they exercise control with business units located in different countries around the world. Throughout the International Human Resource Management, there exists a number of ideas around organisational control systems including:structural vs. cultural,centralised vs. decentralised,ethnocentric vs. polycentric, etc.Using only secondary data (publicly available) – e.g website, news reports, company annual reports, and alike – identify two MNCs which are different with regards to their control systems.Analyse each of their control systems and assess the impact each of their control systems has on the MNCs workplace values. Finally, take a position on which MNC’s control system most appeals to you and why.1) 1500 word limit2) At least 10 academic references with APA format3) Structure of the report:IntroductionCompany Brief (for both companies)Comparative Analysis(Which organisational control systems each of the companies adopts and their effects)(Analyse each of their control systems and assess the impact each of their control systems has on the MNCs workplace values)Conclusion (take a position on which MNC’s control system most appeals to you and why)Reference List