Section A:  Install Linux 
Linux technical expertise is essential in today’s computer workplace as more and more companies switch to Linux to meet their computing needs. Thus, it is important to understand how Linux can be used, what benefits Linux offers to a company, and how Linux has developed and continues to develop.
In this assignment, you are required to install a Fedora Linux operating system (Latest Version) on a virtual machine (e.g., Microsoft Hyper-V, VMWare Player or Oracle VM VirtualBox) on your operating system as a guest. You should also find the minimum hardware requirements for most operating systems on the vendor’s website. For example, the Fedora Linux operating system minimum hardware requirements documented at docs.fedoraproject.org. You should document the installation process with the screenshot. Based on your experience and research, you should be able to answer the following questions in section B.      
Use the latest version of Fedora OS.  (3 Marks)
Section B: Profile the System 
After installation is completed, write a script called your LastName_StudentID.sh to obtain following options information: 

Get information about your operating system,
Get information about hosts
Network interface and routing information
Display a list of users currently logged on display a      list of recently logged in users,
The display used and free memory information, 
Display if the Linux operating system is installed on      physical or Virtual machine.

You can use vim or Nano text editors to write your script. 
You can use sudo yum install nano/vim command to install Nano or Vim text editor. 
(3 marks)
Section C: File Management 
Write a shell script to create a directory called “lastName_StudentID” and ask the user if he/she wants to copy a file to ***** directory.  
You should find out that the file has read, write and execute permission. If the file has write permission then copy the file to the directory; denied otherwise. (2 Marks)
Section D: Pipe 
Suppose we have a file called ‘lastName_StudentID_hotel.txt’ with 100 lines of hotel names, each name on a line.  Write a script to print the hotel names from line number 20 to line number 30 inclusive. Store the results in a file called ‘lastName_StudentID_Hotls.txt’. Sort the file in alphabetical order.
(2 Marks)
You should submit your assessment in a single word document which contains all components of your assignment. Use screenshots to provide evidence and details of the work you have done to complement your written answers. You should reference where appropriate using an approve referencing style to support your work.