Recommendation Report
Assignment guidelines 

Study      Chapter 13: Writing Winning Proposals (pp.518-549),  Chapter 15: “Writing Careful Long      Reports” (pp.594-622), and Chapter 16: Making Successful Presentations at      Work (pp. 624-644) 
Complete      the requirements for a recommendation report as detailed below

The report body itself will be about 3-4 pages long. When you add the 4 required prefatory elements, your report will be about 7-8 pages total. It is okay if your report is a bit more than 8 pages, but it should not be less than 7.
Assignment instructions 
Write a report in which you offer a recommendation to solve a specific problem on your campus, at your workplace, or in your community. This problem could be real or potential. Select a subject of sufficient complexity to warrant a report in a longer format, but do not tackle something beyond your scope.
You will need to analyze this issue and then make a recommendation outlining a solution to the problem or an action plan for an issue. You should conduct enough research for your report to be reliable and accurate. Consider interviewing or asking questions of an authority and using findings from journal articles, equipment brochures, etc.
You will submit your recommendation both as a formal written report and as a presentation.
After you complete your report draft, prepare the appropriate longer report features, which must include a title page, transmittal letter, table of contents, and list of figures and tables. If necessary for your report, you may use other features like a preface, abstract, list of references, glossary, or appendixes. However, the only required elements that should appear in addition to the draft of your report are the 4 listed in bold above.
Within the main body of your report draft, you should include at least two visual elements (such as a table, chart, photograph, etc.) as appropriate for your report and topic.
Use the following lists to help you decide upon a topic.
On campus…
New equipment
New system of registration
Improved parking facilities
Snack bars by classrooms
Picnic or stone tables
Pay telephones in all buildings
Additional computer lab time
Additional study carrels
Free movie program
Improved bomb scare procedures
Campus jogging path
Saturday or 5 p.m. classes
New special interest club
At work…
New equipment
New uniforms
Improved systems of duty roster
Dental insurance program
Index for wage increases
Improved lounge facilities
Improved working conditions
New in-service training program
Sports team program
Fire evacuation procedures
An advertising program
New staff orientation program
Grievance procedures