Your program will mimic a phone book. You will be given a file. In the file is a set of names and phone numbers (an entry). There will be one item per line, 3 items per entry, you don’t know how many lines are in the file. You are guaranteed at least one entry.

Your program will be menu driven.

Your task is to accept an index number, last name, a first name or a phone number from the user and to read through the text file, looking for a match. If match(s) are found, display the information, and then redisplay the menu.

If the entry was not found display the appropriate not found message. All search results, including the index of the entrie(s) will be written to the screen. You are guaranteed that when you ask for input you will get the appropriate type – not necessarily within range – but the right type.

You must store each entry in a struct that contains three strings: one for the first name, one for last name and the third for a phone number. The structs will be collected into an array of that type.


The input file will contain entries. There will be one item per line, all lines in the file end with a carriage return. Here is a sample input file for clarification:

Steiner Stuart 509-359-6260
Smith Brandon


Roestel Stacey


Capaul Tom


Steiner Darren



My Contacts File Program

Please choose from the following:

1) Look up a contact by last name

2) Look up a contact by first name

3) Look up a contact by phone number

4) Look up a contact by index (zero-based)

5) Quit

Choice –> -3

I am sorry that is not a valid menu choice.

Please try again

Please choose from the following:

1) Look up a contact by last name

2) Look up a contact by first name

3) Look up a contact by phone number

4) Look up a contact by index (zero-based)

5) Quit

Choice –> 1

Please enter the name you would like to search for: steiner

The information for Steiner is:

Stuart Steiner


Darren Steiner


Please choose from the following:

1) Look up a contact by last name

2) Look up a contact by first name

3) Look up a contact by phone number

4) Look up a contact by index (zero-based)

5) Quit

Choice –> 1

Please enter the name you would like to search for: peters

The information for Peters is:

No entries found for that information;

Please choose from the following:

1) Look up a contact by last name

2) Look up a contact by first name

3) Look up a contact by phone number

4) Look up a contact by index (zero-based)

5) Quit

Choice –> 5

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